
  • Created by: Storm02
  • Created on: 02-02-18 20:19

weaknesses of socail learning theory

  • Banduras experiment proves aggressive behavior is copied especailly if the role model is of the same sex, through an experiment with 5 yeor old children
  • There is alot of evidence to prove it
  • It has face validity
  • It can explain criminal behavior in the absence of operat conditioning.
  • It can explain why some people exposed to criminlaity become criminals and others do not.
  • It can explain that even though behavior is observed, there may not be motivation to model.
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Weaknesses of social learning theory

  • Although Banduras srudy shows how children can elarn aggressive behavios, it doesnt show the long term effects.
  • It cannot be ethically tested if exposed to long term effects
  • Cannot be tested in real life situations
  • Some criminal behavior cannot be explained by observational learning. It cannot explain opportunistic crimes that have not been observed in real life. Cannot explain fraud as its motivation is driven by financial gain. Cannot explain murder as it is not observed.
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Attention: To learn something you must be able to and want to pay attention to it.

Retention: For learning to take place you must be able to retain and store the information in your memory.

Reproduction: To model the new behavior you need to be able to reproduce it.

Motivation: You are more likely to model the new behavior if you are motivated. It can be instinctive or gained from seeing someone lese receive an award known as vicarious enforcement.

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