Psychological Therapies for Schizophrenia


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • For 5 - 20 weeks, either individually or as a group
  • Aims to help patients identify irrational thoughts and tries to change them
  • Takes place as an argument, or a discussion, about how likely the beliefs are to happen and  less threatening possibilities are discussed/considered
  • E.g. if a paranoid patient thought the Mafia were trying to kill them, the therapist would ask how they know it's the Mafia
  • Doesn't get rid of symptoms but helps patients to deal with them better
  • Helps patients to make sense of hallucinations and dellusions
  • E.g. if a patient believes the voices are demons, learning about psychological explanations for hallucinations can be hugely comforting, thus reducing anxiety
  • Delusions challenged so that patients know they aren't based on reality
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Family Therapy

Pharoah defined family therapy as:

  • Based on EE and aims to decrease these levels, particularly stress
  • Getting as many family members together as possible to provide support for everyone
  • Gives information on Sz to give a better understanding
  • Enforces idea that nobody is to blame - reduction of anger and guilt
  • Gives coping strategies to improve communication and interactions
  • This increases the chance of patients complying with medication


  • Falloon found 11% relapse after family therapy, compared to 50% relapse after individual therapy
  • Only appropriate for those with supportive family, many with Sz don't - lots of homeless people have Sz and increase of Sz in those abused as a child
  • Pharoah found weak and inconsistent evidence for overall effectiveness
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Token Economies

  • Reward systems used to manage maladaptive behaviours, e.g. not showering
  • Based on behaviourist approach
  • Only used in institutions with patients who have been institutionalised for a long period of time
  • Patients rewarded with a 'token' if they carry out desired behaviour - positive reinforcement
  • Tokens can be swapped for tangible rewards, e.g. cigarettes, sweets, TV time
  • Immediacy of reward is important otherwise the reward loses its effect
  • Based on operant conditioning - tokens are secondary reinforcers and tangible rewards are primary reinforcers
  • Doesn't cure Sz but modifying maladaptive behaviour prepares patients for life outside the instituion, makes it easier to intergrate back into society and improves their quality of life
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Effectiveness of CBT

  • Found that CBT is a safe and effective alternative to medication with symtoms improving and no side effects, unlike drug therapies
  • Can be offered to patients unable or unwilling to take drug treatments, as half of Sz patients do not take antipsychotics due to fear of side effects
  • 41% receiving CBT had improvements of over 50% in positive and negative symptom scores
  • CBT helps patients to understand their illness, make it more manageable and improve quality of life
  • However, Jauhar reviewed 34 patients receiving CBT and found it had a significant but small effect on symptoms
  • Sz is a harder mental illness to treat
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Effectiveness of Token Economies


  • Paul and Lentz found that after 4 years, 98% of Sz patients treated using token economies were reintergrated into society compared to 45% receiving no specific treatment


  • Ethical issue - treating adults as children is an abuse of power and controversial
  • Rewards are more available to patients with mild symptoms so those with severe symptoms are unable to comply to desired behaviours
  • Discrimination, with some families questioning legality of this method - reduction in use of token economies

Alternative therapy

  • NICE recommends art/dance/music therapy with a qualified therapist
  • Suitable for those who struggle to communicate and gives patients a different medium
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