psychodynamic apporach [16 marks]


psychodynamic apporach [16 marks]


1) unconscious determines behaviour

2) innate dives energise the mind to motivate behaviours we develop

  • the mind consists of three parts
  • concious mind - thoughts we are aware of
  • preconscious - thoughts we aren't fully aware of, need to think about them
  • unconscious -  thoughts we aren't aware of and they shape out personality as drives and insticts develop in childhood

3) personality is made up of ID, ego and superego

  • ID - pleasure principle to satisy selfish urges. eg. i want to eat cake only
  • ego - reality princip[le which acts rationally to reduce conflict between ID and super ego. eg. you can have a small cake after lunch
  • superego - morality principle to keep normal norms. eg. you shouldn't eat cake, have lunch
  • defense mechanisms occur to protect the ego
  • repression - forcing an idea into unconscious
  • denial - refusing to acknowledge thoughts
  • displacment - putting unwanted feelings onto something else

4) childhood personalities determine adult personalities

  • everyone goes though psychosexual stages
  • if you become fixated at a stage you restrict full development and develop specific peronality symptoms
  • eg. fixation ad the oral stage develops smoking habbits
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