Problems Elizabeth faced when she came to the throne in 1558


The Problem of Elizabeths legitimacy

  • When Henry married Elizabeths mother Anne Boleyn in 1533, he divorced his first wife against the orders of the Pope, by creating his own religion. Because of this many people believed Elizabeth was illegitimate
  • When Henry beheaded Anne Boleyn in 1536, he declared his marriage to her nul and void and Elizabeth illegitimate.
  • Elizabeth was a woman. In 1500s women were seen as mens property, many people believed a woman could not rule the country as well as a man.
  • The church taught that women should not be given authority.
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Foreign Threats from abroad

  • Scotland: When Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558 Scotland was ruled by catholic monarch: Mary Queen of Scots. Mary queen of scots was Elizabeths cousin, who was born inside of wedlock, because of this Elizabeth was afraid that Mary would take the throne considering she had a legitmate claim. Scotland also had and auld alliance with France. Mary was also married to Francis king of France and France had soldiers stationed on the border between Scotland and England, Elizabeth was worried France and Scotland would join forces to overthrow her.
  • Spain: Spain was the most powerful country in Europe at the time. Spain was emmensly wealthy and catholic. They had also just come out of a war with France, so France and Spain both being catholic could unite with scotland and invade england to put a catholic monarch on the throne.
  • Elizabeth was threatened by France because it was a strongly catholic country with alliances to both Spain and Scotland. Elizabeth was concerened that they would all unite and invade to put Mary Queen of Scots on the English throne. When her half sister mary tudor died she left the country in a lot of debt and Elizabeth knew she didnt stand a chance against foreign invasion. 
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The Problem of marriage

  •  When Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558 she had no intention of marrying. This worried many people, many worried that without husband Elizabeth would not be able to run the country successfully.
  • Alot of people believed that Elizabeth should marry and have a child by doing this she would provide a legitmate heir to the throne. If Elizabeth chose to refrain from marriage or had a child out of wedlock the child would be illegitimate and not eligable to inherit the throne.
  • Elizabeth worried that if she were to marry, it would be her husband seen as the authority figure and not her. Also if she married a foreign prince she feared that he would put the needs of his own country before Englands.
  • If Elizabeth were to marry she would have to chose suitor carefully as not to upset anyone.
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The religion of England

  • When Elizabeths brother Edward VI (protestant) died in 1553 he left the crown to Elizabeths sister mary.
  • Mary converted the country into catholicism and burnt many protestants. When mary died she left half the country protestant and half the country catholic.
  • Elizabeth knew that things couldnt be left like that because it would almost certainly cause civil war and her losing her throne.
  • She was also concered that the catholics would unite with Scotland to rebel and put Mary Queen of Scots on the throne.
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  • When mary died she left Elizabeth in great debt. Elizabeth knew she had to regain control of her finances in order to look after the country.
  • Ways to make the crown money were:
  • rents and income from crown lands
  • Customs duties
  • Subsides
  • Profits of justice 
  • Loans from other countries
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