Problem of Evil


Augustines theodicy

God created a pefect world out of nothing,

God gave humans free will,

Humans misused this freewill - the fall of man and angels,

this ushering the world into moral and natural evils.

God gave humans salvation through Christ.

Presdestination exists - the elite being rewarded with Heaven.

Evil is a privation - an absence of good.

Aestetics argument - the idea that only God can see the bigger picture.

Arguemnt of plentitude - everything that can happen, will happen.

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Irenaeus's theodicy

God made humans in the image of Himself,

He gave humans freewill in order for them to reach moral perfection, 

becoming the likeness of God,

hence evil is needed to establish this perefction of the soul,

it is a process of soul making.

Hick argues that all humans go to heaven in order to fully reach moral perfection.

God cannot intervene as He must keep an epistemtic distance - in order to bring abot faith and loyality.

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Process Thought

God did not create the universe, a Deity did,

when God came to the universe, natural laws already existed - evil,

God has limited power becuase of this,

Thus God can only progress the universe towards good,

he cannot change what was however.

Whitehead says God is a fellow sufferer who understands.

Griffin argues that this God compensates for the inconsistent triad as his 'all-powerful' nature anc 'all-loving' does not conflict with evil in this instance. 

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Freewill defence

Without freewill, humans would be mere robots, 

and this would create arguements of God not being all loving,

So God must run the risk of evil with the need for free will.

Also in order for humans to have a true relationship with God, 

they must be free to choose. 

God gives humans choice, and any moral evil is a result of humans not God


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