Prime minister and executive


The prime minister

- Head of the executive, chairs the cabinet and manages its agenda

- Decides who can sit on cabinet and junior ministers, who can sit on certain committees

- Decides which deparments should merge together (organises the structure of government)

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The Cabinet

-Consists of 20-23 senior ministers

-Cabinet provides administative support , within the delivery of policy

-Chaired by the Cabinet secretary, most senior civil servant in the UK

- Many decisions are taken in cabinet committees, which deal wuth particular areas of policy such as economic affairs and national security

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Government departments

- Each section of government departments is responsible for an area of policy. E.g - ministery of defence.

-Each is headed by a cabinet ministers, and supported by several junior ministers - who then are responsible for specific sections of that policy.

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Executive agencies

Semi independent bodies that are responsible to carry out functions from the government department.  E.g DVLA, is overseen by the Department of Transport

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