Prescriptivism Exam Questions

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 02-06-17 12:30

Define prescriptivism (3)

  • non-cognitivist anti-realist
  • moral language is descriptive + prescriptive
  • moral statements are ways of instructing people how to behave but don't refer to objectively real properties
  • key thinker: Hare
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Hare's prescriptivism (5)

  • moral language guides conduct > expressing feelings + influencing
  • two types of prescriptive meaning
    1) imperatives (right + wrong) i.e "murder is wrong" = "don't murder"
    2) value judgements (good + bad) i.e "giving to charity is good" (commendation of particular activity + guidance)
  • "good" commends something as praiseworthy without describing objects themselves (relies upon particular set of standards
  • if "good" refers to "morally good" there must be certain standards that we adopt + apply
  • standards demand consistency - applied to "right" + "ought" which intend to guide actions + must be universalised to provide guidance
  • nothing about facts entails moral judgements so there are no objectively correct moral standards
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Criticisms (12)

  • Warnock: doe smoral language have any functions apart from prescription? We might be confessing/complaining/pleading etc
  • Hare: prescriptive nature of ethical language is its primary function - to guide conduct
  • Warnock: just bc Hare connects ethical language to action doesn't mean it's prescriptive (could be linked to attitude of what we want)
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Moral reasoning + criticisms (12)

  • Hare: prescriptivism shows moral discussion is rational bc we can ask reasons for making particular prescriptions which require consistency i.e:
    P1 - do not take innocent human life
    P2 - abortion is taking of innocent human life
    C - ∴ do not commit abortion


  • Warnock: only rationality within system is consistency i.e if one universalises idea that racism is morally right, you can't objectively disagree with this bc even if one was a different race + agreed with it, it's still consistent


  • Hare: to frustrate one's own interests is irrational so example of "do unto others" makes rational sense
  • so do other objectionable ideas
    • moral standards aren't objectively correct i.e different moral standards between two people
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