Power and Conflict



Ozymandias is a poem mainly about power.

  • Ozymandias is written as a sonnet following traditional structure of iambic pentameter, showing how Ozymandias loved himself.
  • "I met a traveller from a antique land" - gives a sense of age, being worn down, and could refer to Egypt's former glory.
  • "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone" - almost juxtaposition, "vast" shows intimidatory power, and "trunckless", not so great - vunerable.
  • "Stand in the desert" enjambernment on "stand" almost ironic as he doesn't stand anymore.
  • "Half sunk a shattered visage lies" - face is damaged. Ozymandias power has broken down over time, showing power that doesn't last, but reputation.
  • "Lone and level sands stretch far away" - end focus, alliteration is on nature, symbolising that nature is more important than everything and can't be defeated. Not visited.
  • "The hand that mocked and the heart that fed" - Juxaposition. Ozymandias was cruel to his people. his statue is without a heart, and that has led to his downfall as he only mocks. Cruelty leads to downfall, not power.
  • Struture is a sonnet, which could show how Ozy loved himself.
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London is abaout the cruel effects of power on the poor, and how it doesn't work.

  • "I wander through each chartered street" - imagery to make reader have an image of what London is truely like. Written in first person narrator give it an accurate perspective. Has an idea of purposless, which could symbolise how we as readers can't do anything, but those in power.
  • "Marks of weakness, marks of woe" - repetition empahasises pain caused by those in power. Presents emotional and physical effects. 'Marks' can be removed unlike scars, showing how the issue can be taken away if we were to take action.
  • "In every infant's cry I hear" - synaesthesia is used to present how the torture of capitalism cannot be escaped. Almost angry, it could show a cry out for help, pure pain felt by those with lack of understanding. Children loosing their innoccence.
  • "The mind-forged manacles I hear" - people feel stuck, almost imprisoned in their situation. it could link how people purpossly get themselves in prison to have food and shelter.
  • "Every black'ning church appalls - personification could show church as a person whom one could once confide in, but has been ruined by the industrial revelution. May imply how people don't look at religion for hope, but work.
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London 2

  • "Runs in blood down palace walls" - could imply about the French revelution or show how many men died due conditions of labour, and the blood is on those who are rich. Could been seen as the damp in the houses of the poor, and how those who are rich don't suffer.
  • "blights with plagues" - talks of illness spreading through London, or perhaps capitalism as a disease itself, unstoppable and unwanted by those effected by it.
  • "marriage hearse" - shows that happiness doesn't exist and is overidded by evil through an oxymoron. Could show how the rich benefit from the poor's torture working for them. Could portay those who stay togther and try to deafeat things get broken and loose out.

Volta is used in the third stanza "How the chimnney sweepers cry" to prove how it effects everyone, and the final stanza focuses of new-borns and how they are the next generation to go through torture unless we stop them.

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The Prelude

The Prelude talks about the power of nature with humans, and how we see it as a tame, beautiful creature, but it a powerful and frightening thing.

  • "A little boat tied to a willow tree" - could show an idea of insignificance of nature, and how we see something that we can change. Additionally, willow trees are the only tree that can bend, which could symbolise how we see nature as a flexable thing as we look at it from only one perspective.
  • "It was an act of stealth" - declarative contrasts with the sense of uncertainity with the narrator. He feels something isn't quite right, and may be seeeing another side of nature, forboding what may happen next.
  • "Went through the water like a swan" - simile may mean the man feels part of the calm nature, as swan can be seen as a controlled part of nature as was eaten in medieval but, they can also attack. It shows arrogance of narrator, comparing himself to an elegant animal.
  • "A huge peak, black and huge" - repetition could represent the narrators double take at what he is eeing, as if he is shocked by how nature feels to tower over him, maybe showing vunerablity.
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The Prelude 2

  • "As if with voluntary power insinct, upreared its head" could symbolise the rearing of a horse, an animal often linked with freedom. This could link to 1066 William travelling the boat through harsh waves and losing men, but when connecting with nature through calvery - succeeds.
  • "Back to the covert of the willow tree" - declarative shows certainty, going back to piece of controllable nature. By going and hiding there can show a new respect of the power of nature and fear of it. He feels that a human power couldn't battle nature, but only nature itself could protect him.
  • "No pleasent images of trees" - could symbolise how we destruct safe parts of nature, and how we will loose all pur protection. We will only be left with what we are incapable of controlling.
  • "By day, and were a trouble to my dreams" shows the pure haunting power of nature. But, it imply how nature is an issue for development of humans. It stops us from reaching complete destruction of dreams, as wer aren't powerful enough for it.

There aren't any stanzas, perhaps to present how we can't escape nature, and how it will forever be around us. Or, it could show how the narrator feels the mountain still watvhes him, making himself frightening and wanting to keep nature togther as he does with the poem.

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My Last Duchess

This is a dramatic monologue narrated by The Duke. He speaks of The Duchess as one of his own possessions.

  • "That's my last Duchess painted on the wall" - presents how he owns the Duchess as well as the painting.The fact he painted her could symbolise how he tried to control and change her like a blank canvas, but instead only has control over the wall.
  • "Will't you please sit and look at her? I said" - lack of puntuation could present how the other person had no chance to speak, but it could also symbolise how he had a lack on control with the Duchess in real life, and how he couldn't let her be free.
  • "the curtain I have drawn for you" - portays how he wants to control the Duchess, and everyone else with his power. Curtains can open though, so this may present how the true mystery of her dispearance could be found out, yet is is hidden from us.
  • "Half-flush that dies along her throat" - may present that her death is out of place and suspicious, and it also hints that her happiness will lead to her doom. It makes seem fake, but could link to Lucrezia had tuberculosis, whicg causes fever and therefore - probably a blush.
  • "This grew; I gave commands" - presents Duke using his power to control. May present how people who care like the Duchess don't succeed, which is wrong and shouldn't happen.
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My Last Duchess 2

  • "As if alive. Will't please you rise?" - Casura, interrogative, repetition. Pause puts emphasis on her death, maybe to serve as a warning to the person ext recieving a command. Interrogative shows power, abailty to ask and have one do as another pleases. Rise could represnt an awaking, perhaps a new beginning.This could come in the form of a new Duchess.
  • "Notice Neptune though, taming a sea-horse" could symbolise a new duchess. I feel The Duke is comparing himself to a god, and the horse is a duchess. A horse is usually associated with freedom, yet has no control alike his women. 

All the poem is in one stanza, which could portay how The Duke only sees the Duchess from his perspective and refuses to listen to others. He is arrogent.

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The Charge of the Light Brigade

This poem presents conflict almost as a good thing. Soldiers are seen to be heroic, but it must be kept in mind that Tennyson has never fought.

  • "All in the valley of death" - metaphor is used to present the noble soliders, as they know what they are doing will end with them getting killed. A "valley" can be seen as a happy place, but also distant. this could portay how the idea that this could go wrong was distant from the Commander's orders. Valley is personified, making it seem as an evil killer.
  • "Bodly they rode and well" - declarative shows certainty, the soliders knew what they had to do. It shows them as heroic, not fearing what may happen to them in battle. They are good with what they are doing, which juxtaposes with the outcome of the historic event.
  • "Plunged into battery-smoke" - declarative shows certainty. Makes them seem fearless and powerful. 'Battery' could show that they have lots of evergy in them, but that all soldiers are replacable, and that those who die are thrown away but keep the country alive and working for those who remain.
  • "While horse and hero fell" - monosyallbic words on all except 'hero' emphasis this word, showing the massive impact soldiers have. Horses usually represnt freedom, so them falling could represent the lack of freedom the soliders have. 
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The Charge of the Light Brigade 2

  • "jaws of death" - personification, jaws present evil that they can't escape. Could show how the soldiers get crushed, and how their lives are torn apart yet still they ride on, which makes them seem noble and heroic.
  • "Honour the charge they made, honour the Light Brigade" - repeitition emphasises Tennyson's purpose to make the soldiers seem noble and brave. Show how amazing they were despite the conditions.

It is written in iambic pentameter to replicate the horses hooves hitting thw ground. Line length isn't constant, which could mimic the chaos within war,and how 'noble' our soliders are to deal with it.

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Exposure talks about the futility of war, and how the power of nature is what we truely battle against during it.

  • "Our brains ache" - assonance is used to mimic the physical pain that solidiers have to face. Harsh monosyllabic words emphasise the harsh conditions. Collective pronoun "our" shows that all soldoers face these issues.
  • "merciless iced east winds that knife us..." - personification of the enemy makes them seem like the human attackers.
  • "But nothing happens" - simple sentance could epitomise how dull war is, and also repititive hence why it is repeated at the end of stanzas in the poem. It also shows the tension - the waiting for something to happen and the fear as they are battered.
  • "Far off, like a dull rumour of some other war" simile could symbolise how this isn't like what he expected. May refer to the biblical reference "you will hear of wars and rumours of wars"  Casura could epitomise how there are breaks in war, and emphasise how far away the next battle is liking to tension that the reader may feel. once again, this links to the  futility of war and whether it is actually doing anything.
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Exposure 2

  • "Dawn massing in the east her melancholy army" - Dawn is personified using battle language. Normally, dawn is used to represnt new beginnings and a sense of hope which juxtaposes with the truth of war. She is of no comfort. A female can also be seen as a kind, caring person but instead she is seen to be an evil. Could also link to concern of soliders on returing home, their wives no longer wanting them as they come back in a weak state.
  • "Sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence" - sibilance mimics the sounds of bullets flying and could represent the suddeness of war coming on, boredom suddenly replaces with fear, which may show that only negative emotions can be found within the soliders.
  • "For love of God seems dying" - declarative shows certainty. Could show how with each death people wonder why God is allowing such a thing. It may show that god is questioning us and our actions. It also hints at could it be that man's love for God is dying or God's love for man dying?

First four lines of each stanza follow an ABBA rhyming pattern which could symbolise how repetetive war is. Varied line laength could show how weather conditions are constantly changing.

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Storm on the Island

This poem is about the power of nature, but also the conflict in Ireland.

  • "We are prepared: we build our houses squat," - caesura could portray a time the people relax before the storm hits. The collective pronoun "we" could epitomise how everyone feels confident in what they've done. This also proves the power of nature, as it destructs the village.
  • "Rock and roof" - alliteration ties the word together. Rock being part of nature could epitomise its power. We couldn't survive without it.
  • "listen to the thing you fear" - enjambernment gives an idea of breathlessness, showing the fright of the people. It gives a sense that they can't escape the storm with the use of synastesia.
  • "But there are no trees, no natural shelter" - caesura emphasises how they feel unprotected and could symbolise how they have the ability to stop the storm. It presents the power of nature, and how they feel the need they can only battle nature with nature, as nothing will match its power.
  • "Spits like a tame cat gone savage" - simile makes all readers able to understand the power of storm. It epitomises how we treat nature. We only see it as a beautiful thing, but it is actually evil.

Free verse, all one stanza. This could symbolise how nature is free and uncontrollable.

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Bayonet Charge

Bayonet Charge presents the cruelty of conflict and the indescribable horror of war.

  • " Suddenly he awoke and was running - raw" - imagery. Creates a fast pace, reflecting what war is truely like for many soliders. Emphasis on "raw" could epitmise how war isn't spoken or about how it's poisen.
  • "Bullets smacking the belly out of the air" - personification and onomatopoeia.This presents how nothing can escape war. This brings war to life to the reader.
  • "In what cold clockwork of the stars" - alliteration emphaises the two words. Can show has something has gone worng, but \i feels its about how clocks go the same way everytime, and war is a repeitive cycle of evil that controls our lives as a clock does.
  • "Threw up a yellow hare that rolled like a flame" - simile. The hare could represnt the soliders, in fear and running around randomly trying to escape he evil of humans. Gives the sense of poisen, and could link to fluorine, a toxic yellow gas.
  • "His terror's toutch dynamite" - alliteration creates a "t" shound, which could represnt the ticking of a bomb or clock as the soliders watch their lives tick away from them.

Enjambernment is used massively in the peom presenting how war is never ending and soliders are stressed.. The shorter stanza by one line in the middle could symbolise a line of soliders lost.

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This poem is based around the mental effects of war on soliders.

  • "Probably armed, possibly not" - juxtapostion of the man's guilt and innocence. The speaker feels guilt because he doesn't know if the man is a threat. Adverbs add uncertainty and caesura show break or hesitation within his speach. He seems to be wuestioning himself, portaying how his memories will haunt him for the rest of time.
  • "Well myself and somebody else and somebody else" - repitition and polysyndetic listing presents the man's lack of identity. Ot emphaises that there are many people going through this. Could present the idea that the narrator is passing the guilt around and doesn't want to take full responsibility.
  • "Image of agony" - metaphor is used to portay the pure horror that is war. It presents the human cost of war and how everyone in war gets pain mentally and physically. It puts empahsis on the guilt, unable to remove the memory from his head.
  • "His blood-shadow stays on the street" metaphor emphaises guilt, as a shadow follows you it could represnt how he is haunted by what he has done and can't escape it. Sibilance could epitomise the bullets, as is he still hears them hitting the man.
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Remains 2

  • "But I blink" - enjambernment presents how he can't escape the memories. It also shows he can't control his emotions as we can't control if we blink or not. It is also constantly happening unless we sleep which could epitomise how the speaker feels death is the only way he can leave his sin behind and escape.
  • "The drink and drugs won't flush him out" - metaphor represents how he can't leave the memory and wants to complete eradicate it. It could represnt as its only a quick fix as when you flush things it still remains some place elsewhere.
  • "his bloody in my bloody hands" - metaphor links to macbeth. Lady Macbeth was haunted by her murder. Both murders were about the need for power her's ended is a suspected suicide. By making thsi the end focus, it could represent how this is the end for the solider.
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Poppies speaks of the human cost of war, but also the effect it has on those who are the family.

  • "Disrupting a blockade" - metaphor connotes the poppy to her son's distress and actions of enertering a war zone. It symbolises her being shut out of her son's life and disrupting childhood memory. It may show how her emotions are starting to leak out in a sense.
  • "Yellow bias binding around your blazer." - imagry presents the images trapped within the mother's mind. Yellow is a positive colour, with juxtaposes with the mentioning of "red" this may show how the mother wants her son's experience to be postitve but may also link to her need to send him off with excitment, and not show her emotions.
  • "upturned collar, steeling the softening of my face" - sibilance and metaphor. Presents how the mother is trying not the cry, the sibalence creating smoothing sounds.
  • "Play at being eskimos like we did when you were little." - reference to sense of touch epitomises how the mother longs to be close to her son like she used to and exaggerates the differnece now. This calm, happy imagry juxtaposes with war, which may symbolise how she wishes to stay close to her daughter.
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Poppies 2

  • "gelled blackthorns of your hair." - metaphor presents how he has become dangourous. It makes him seem Jesus like, the mother feeling like Mary who can only watch her son die. It presents her sacrifice of her son to a powerful leader, for the greater good.
  • "All my words flattened, rolled, turned into felt, slowly melting." - enjambernment shows her memories flowing and her son slowly separtating. The felt could represent the body of her son being completely ruined.
  • "I was brave" - simple sentance presents how she felt it was the only thing she was able to do for her son. It makes her seem proud of herself, and caesura presents how she quickly let go, so the pain wouldn't linger.
  • "released a song bird from its cage" - sense of purity, but also mourning. It may also be a message, and symbolises her setting her son free from protection.

Three stanzas could symbolise the three days she had left, the last stnaza being logest presenting her need to hold on to the last day with her son.

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War Photographer

War Photographer presents the power of photos and the evil of conflict. Yet, also presents the dangers of society becoming immune to shocking images.

  • "Spools of suffering set out in organised rows" - sibilance creates almost an errie feels, like the harsh gusts of wind. "organised" juxtaposes with what is going on in the photos, and epitomises what the photographer wishes to do - bring awarenesses and therefore help to chaos.
  • "All flesh is grass." - simple sentance, and metaphor. It is a biblical refernce from the bible, presenting how the photographer feels he can only turn to an onimopotent force to solve the situation. It also represents the circle of life, but he focuses on those difficulties.
  • "Home again to ordinary pain" - oxymoron epitomises the great differences between those he photographs and us. it puts emphasis on how we are heartless, dealing with only first world problems whilst asking for support. In our bulle of sorts we hide ourselves away from the people who truely need saving, and focus only on those wanting out attention.
  • "running children in nightmare heat" - imagry presents how these images haunt him, and how those there aren't kept inoccent. It emphasises how adults attemp to keep inoccence too, yet some are in situations that they can't escape it.
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War Photographer 2

  • "half-formed ghost" - imagry. Presents his internal conflict between perhpas an inncoence and the reality. His inconnce is little exisiting now left to the cruelty of the world, yet like we search for ghosts, he is searching for it too. It could represnt us seeing these pictures too, how we don't see them for what they truely are and how in theory, we might as well be ghosts as we and him can do nothing but see and watch it all happen.
  • "how blood stained into foreign dust." - metaphor, its stuck in his memory. "Dust" can just blow away and leave,presenting how we see these pictures and don't notice them. It could also link to suicide, how the blood of the men can lead to the photographers themeselves, becoming cremated dust.
  • "tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers" - nursery rhyme may mimic the inncoence that reamins within us, and that we don't understand. Although we cry, we can still continue our lives and these people can't.
  • "they do not care." end focus, collective pronoun presents how we all do this, not just the few. World doesn't notice and how we, as Western society, refuse to help.

Enjambernment is used to show how this flows into our society.Lack of end stops presents how we refuse to stop and thik about the photos. Quatrain stanzas present normality - this occurs regularly.

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This poem talks about the power of paper and the effect it has on humans.

  • "Paper that lets the light shine through" - imagery - symbolises religion and holy books such as the Qur'an which links to Dharker's own religion. It could also link to Christianity "let there be light" This could epitomise the conflict between the two religions, all because of paper.
  • "Paper thinned by age or touching." - could link to skin on humans, presenting how it is important to our lives. It may link to old age, and how paper is almost immortal.
  • "Pages smoothed and strocked and turned" - triadic structure, polysyndetic listing, alliteration, sibilance - listing could present the multiple uses and effects of paper on the world, emphasising it's power. It represnts how we care for paper, yet this may present how we don't care for the tree because of its beauty, but becuase of its use.
  • "Fall away with a sigh, a shift in the direction of the wind." - Personification, emphases how paper is almost a part of us as humans. Juxtaposition of building and paper, buildings don't move like paper. Paper may represnt our life, so this may show how we should outlast buildings but we are vunerable.
  • "Maps too. The sun shines through their borderlines." - imagery, simple sentance, caesura. - May link to global warming (sun spots) and the maps may show how paper saves us when lost.
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Tissue 2

  • "credit card may fly our lives like paper kites." - simile, figurative language - presents freedom and how money controls our lives, making this ironic. But, the credit card may represent freedom from paper and being able to do what one will. It shows the future developing away from paper, but no only that, but forgetting nature.
  • "An architect could use all this" - methaphorical refernece to human life. But, could also present paper aging and becoming outdated. It could be references to human records and birth certificates, and how our lives aren't valued without paper. It may refer to Allah as an architect, but an old creator whose creation of nature isn't needed.
  • "grand design with living tissue" - enjambernment could represent how life continues to run thanks to paper. It presents human life, and how it can be aged but can last.
  • "turned into your skin." - seperate stanza draws attention. Seperation of line heightens the difference between paper and life. "Your" personal pronoun emphasises significance of human life.

Mostly unrhymed irregular quatrains that represent normaility of irregularity of life. Irregular rhyme could mirror fluttering of paper and how we use it randomly with the introduction of technology. Enjambernment adds to floating vibes.

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The Emigree

The Emigree presents the evil, cruelty and the mental effects of conflict. Rumans wants to inspire people to hold onto their identity and how nothing can take away childhood.

  • "There was once a country" - sounds like a fairy story presenting a sense of innocence. It also presents how her country has changed, it being written in the past tense.
  • "I never saw it in that November which, I am told," - caesura presents a sense of isolation away from her city, perhaos could show a small space in her knowledge of the place. It may present a time of depression, now unable to know what is going on herself. It being set in 'November' gives a sense of darkness that winter brings, juxtaposed with the idea of "sunlight".
  • "The white streets of the city, the graceful slopes" - imagry presents a strong love for the place, and remembers it will. The city is described through a common noun and not a proper noun, perhaps to hide where it is, so people can't ruin her happy view of it.
  • "That child's vocabulary I carried here like a hollow doll," - enjambernment could present how it can "spill" from her. The simile epitomises how she feels empty without her city - she isn't herself, being a doll could show a sign as perfection. How the speaker is perfect now she is away from the city, yet they don't feel that way themesleves.
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The Emigree 2

  • "It tastes of sunlight." - synaesthesia suggests a sense of confusion in her identity but could also show how no part of her can escape her happing feelings towards the city. Simple sentance could symbalise the simplicity of her feelings towards the place, how there isn't anyway she can dislike it.
  • "my city comes to me in its own white paper plane" - metaphor could represent her lasting childhood feelings. "white" represents purity and peace. It also shows the speaker is being followed by her city, seen to her as a good thing.
  • "My city hides behind me." - caesura shows fear which contrasts with the positive image. The city could represent her hidden emotions, her happiness must not be shown towards it, but sadness, anger and depression. It may show a hidden anxiety left from the confussion of leaving. Age of speaker isn't specified.

There is a disorganised structure epitomising fear. but a regular stanza length, perhaps to show how this is normality for many people. Last stanza is longer, which can portray holding on. Free verse, representing how she is free from the horror of the city. End stopping shows confidement.

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Checking Out Me History

This poem presents the power Europe has over how we see things, and the conflict between Jamaica.

  • "Dem tell me//Dem tell me" - repetition to show anger. Not in standard english to present Jamaican culture.
  • "Dem tell me about 1066 and all dat" - colliqual language. Presents a sense a boredom and disconection. He doesn't care about Europeon history, he wants to know about whta Jamaican people did.
  • "dem never tell me bout Nanny de maroon" - lack of full stop emphaisises how he still waits to learn abou his hisory, as if it's forbidden to be spoken about. Emphasis on important person.
  • "de great Zulu Dem tell me nout Columbus and 1492" - enjambernment presents overflowing anger. By using "columbus" he is presenting white stupidity, as he was believed to be great, yet he ruined Native American tribes. It could present how Europeons distroy black history.
  • "I am carving out me identity" - lack of full stop presents how we won't stop looking. "Carving" presents a sense of difficulty in his search.

In shorter line length black history is metioned, presented excitment in it juztaposing with the long lines of white history. Exp. "From Jamaica//she travel far//to the Crimean War"

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Kamikaze presents mental effects of conflict and how soliders can be seen as weak if they don't carry out dangerous duties that involve death.

  • "Her father embarked at sunrise" - declarative, shows certainity on what happened contrasting with how this isn't from a first person perspective. There is a posiible double meaning here. There is the literal meaning of him boarding place or start an adventure. This presents a sense of excitment.
  • "A shaven head full of powerful incantations" - links to how soliders shaved their heads as a ritual that demostrates them feeling dignified - even in death. I also feel it could show them feeling vunerable, and identity being taken away.
  • "he must have looked far down" - modal verb "must" creates a bond between piolet and the narrator. It may be an attempt to justify her father's actions and to understand. She has symphay for her father.
  • "dark shoals of fishes flashing silver as their bellies swivelled towards the sun." - repetition of the use of sibillance creates pace and may mimic the plane. The past tense "swivelled"recalls the fatal spiral piolets. This shows the power of nature, making the man leave his mission. May show how he feels war and suicide isn't natural.
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Kamikaze 2

  • "strung out like bunting" - simile is associated with celebrations which juxtaposes with the sad theme of the poem. It's also ironic as there is no victory in the poem. It may represent how the father feels his family will be happy to see him back,yet they aren't.
  • "bringing their father's boat safe" - lack of puntuation suggests the decision made wasn't concious. He is recalling his childhood and how he wishes everything was peaceful. it may show the want to be one with nature, and not attacking it becuase of war. It shows that it is the memories that get the better of him.
  • "safe to the shore, salt-sodden" - sibilance mimics the sound of the sea, but also the plane. The boat could represent the plane now being safe and him aswell.
  • "black crabs, feathery prawns," - imagry, listing creates the sense of beauty and presents the appriciation of nature. It shows peace overpowering war.
  • "he must have wondered which had been the better way to die." - end focus. The model verb "must" creates a bond between the pilot and narrator. Hint of desperation in the tone. Wants reader to have empahy.

It is a narrative poem showing its reliable, and has 7 stanzas, maybe to represent the 7 deadly sins.

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This is amazing and really detailed! Just a few spelling errors though. But otherwise this is great revision material 




Absolutely loved this

thank you so much

helped me out a lot!



so helpful



Thank you!



the spelling errors were hard to get past but thank you

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