Population Dynamics

These are going to cover the following:

  • Push and Pull Factors
  • Resource distribution
  • Birth Rate and Death Rate
  • Natural Increase and Net Migration
  • Aging Populations
  • Refugee's (Malawi)

Push and Pull Factors

A push factor is something that drives someone out of a country or a town. These can include:

  • A lack of job opportunites
  • Poor housing
  • Poor environment - eg- crime, traffic, pollution etc.
  • War / Civil Strife
  • Lack of health care
  • Family breakdown- eg. - Divorce

A pull factor is something that attracts people to a new country or town. These can include:

  • Job opportunities
  • Good housing
  • Safety
  • Political stability
  • Good health care for all
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Worldwide Resource Distribution and usage

Of the worlds resources;

MEDC's (25% of the world) :

  • own 86%of the worlds industry
  • produces 70% of the worlds fossil fuels
  • produces 60% of carbon dioxide emissions
  • owns 90% of the worlds cars
  • and around 350 - 1000 Litres of water is used per person per day

LEDC's (75% of the world):

  • own 14% of the world's industry
  • produces 30% of the worlds fossil fuels
  • produces 40% of carbon dioxide emissions
  • owns 10% of the worlds cars
  • and around 20 - 40 Litres of water is used per person per day
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Birth Rate and Death Rate

Birth Rate - the number of live births per 1000 people per year

Death Rate - the number of deaths per 1000 people per year

There is a high Birth Rate, that is typical of LEDC, because:

  • Lack of contraception available
  • Some cultures don't accept abortion
  • Children can be seen as an economic asset - the more children you have, the more you can send out to work and the more money you get

There is low Death Rate, mainly in MEDC's, because:

  • access to good health care
  • good hygiene standards
  • clean water and enough food
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Natural Increase and Net Migration

Natural Increase is the difference between Birth Rate and Death Rate. Migration is not taken into account when natural increase is considered. If the Birth Rate is higher than the Death Rate then there is a positive natural increase. If the Death Rate is higher that the Birth Rate then there is a negative natural increase.

Net Migration is the difference between immigration and emmigration. If immigration is higher than emmigration then there is a positive net migration, whereas if the emmigration is higher than the immigration then there is a negative net migration.

Population Growth is Natural Increase + Net Migration

(births - deaths) - (immigrants - emmigrants)

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An Aging Population

An aging population is not a population that is increasing, either due to natural change or immigration, but one that is just growning old.

Germany is an example of an aging population

How do the elderly help society?

  • leave money to people in will's
  • look after children for families
  • do voluntary work

How does society help the elderly?

  • amount of health care provided is increased
  • fun sessions are arranged in the community
  • special homes are set up
  • pensions are provided
  • specialist medical care is provided
  • mobility aids are provided
  • free bus passes are given to the elderly
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Malawi - Refugee's

What does Malawi offer to Refugee's?

  • jobs
  • for some people, a free education is accessable
  • the Malawi Red Cross provides resources for people

What effect do the Refugee's have on Malawi?

  • population increase
  • the resources available decrease
  • they are seen to be an economical and Government drain
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Amy Archer


sorry about the font change - it went kinda wrong!



some good info =] thanks

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