
  • Created by: _annie.r
  • Created on: 08-02-15 12:22

What is population distribution?

Population distribution looks at where people are and where they are not. It is generally shown by a dot map or a chloropleth map

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Reasons for high population density

-flat land, and near acessible rivers or sea

-temperate climates and good soil

-democracy and stable economy

-job opportunities

-good transport education and doctors

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Reasons for low population density

-steep land, high altitude

-rainforests, hot dry deserts

-infertile soil

  • natural disasters, rough terrain, continentality

limited job opportunities, lack of broadband, bad transport

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What Are the BR and DR

They are the birth rate and death rate. These are the number of births/deaths per 1000 prople per year.

You work it out by diving the number of deaths or births by the thousands of people

BR= 723,913 / 56,077 = 12.9

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What is the DTM?

The demographic transition model shows population change over time. It studies how birth rate and death rate affect the total population of a country.

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What are the five stages of the DTM?

1- total population is low but balanced due to high birth and death rates

2- population rises as death rate falls due to advances in health, but birth rate remains high

3- population is still rising. Birth rate falls due to less children needed to work and improved contraception.

4- population quite high, but balanced by low birth and death rates

5- population slightly declining, due to an ageing population, still with a low birth rate

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What does the population pyramid show?

It shows the age going up, and the gender on each side. You can use it to work out what stage of the DTM the country is in.

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