
Topics covered:

The Original Site
The Earthquake
The Rediscovery
The Forum
The Theatre
The Baths
The Amphitheatre


The Original Site

Pompeii wasn't always Roman. Had various other settlements (e.g. Greeks) of people before Rome took full control of the town.

  • Was built on a lava spur = excellent natural defencive position
  • Near the River Sarno = Pompeiians controlled water traffic & had access to clean water to contribute to the fertility of the land
  • Was a harbour town so had good access to trade = made Pompeii wealthy
  • Was built near Mt Vesuvius = fertile lands for growing food & supporting livestock which led back into being profitable for the town
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The Earthquake

The Pompeiians had no clue that M.V. was a volcano.

In 62AD there was a huge earthquake that shook Pompeii.

The earthquake collapsed houses & temples. In the aftermath, Pompeii took the opportunity to rebuild & improve their town. 
e.g. Old houses were replaced with newer, more splendid constructions.

Some people saw this as a sign that the gods were angry so they made smaller offerings to the gods, for example in the house of Caecilius there is a small frieze dedicated to the gods in which we can see the temple of Jupiter so shaken it's completely tilted.

Pompeii was still being rebuilt during 72AD

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We have a full account of the destruction of Pompeii by Pliny the Younger. It was written in a letter to the famous Roman historian, Tacitus. However, the account was written about 15 years later...

  • Mt Vesuvius (M.V.) began erupting on the 24th of August, 79AD
  • Morning: fine grained ash settles around M.V
                   earth tremors warn of impending eruption (Pompeiians used to tremors- ignored them)
  • 1pm:       M.V. violently erupts- plume rises above M.V. approx. 27km high
                  pumice & ash fall- approx. 15cm per hour
  • Late noon: plume causes complete darkness
                   roofs begin to collapse under weight of pumice & ash
  • 8pm:       1.3m of ash has settled
                   eruption becomes more violent- plume rises to 33km high
  • 25th August
  • 1am:       2.5m of pumice & ash has settled
                   column of plume collapses (change inside M.V.), loses energy
                   first pyroclastic flow 
  •  7:30am: pyroclastic flow overwhelms Pompeii- 2,000 people die from heat & suffocation (fumes)
  • 8am:      6th surge spreads over greater distance (30km+ away) Pliny the Younger just escapes
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Pompeii was hidden from the world, buried, for centuries until it was rediscovered in the middle of the 18th century.
Early excavators were very careless & often did great damage to the buildings. Also, the valuable artifacts that were found were removed & taken to private collectors.

In the 19th century a proper approach to the excavations was developed. The key person in this development was Giuseppe Fiorelli, an Italian who brought a more scientific approach to the excavation of Pompeii.

Fiorelli is most famous for his plaster casts, produced by a process now called Fiorelli's Process.

  • He realised the corpse had been buried in ash, over time it had rotted away- leaving a cavity
  • Wherever a cavity was discovered, plaster of Paris was poured in & left to set
  • The ash around the plaster cast was carefully removed so the figure at moment of death remained

This gives us info about how people died in the eruption. But a definite death toll is impossible to find.

Fiorelli is also to be credited for: numbering (of islands), records (of finds), and protection (of site)

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Houses (House of the Vettii)

Owned by two brothers- both merchants & freedmen (ex-slaves):

  • Evidence: 2 signet rings found & electoral propaganda
  • Villa is well preserved & famous for its frescoes (wall paintings)
  • Prime example of a house owned by the commercial middle class.
  • They rebuilt after the earthquake.
  • House is in two parts (where the family lived & where the slaves lived)
  • Unusual features: no shops, no tablinum, 2 atria

Other features:

  • Entrance: Painting of Priapus (symbol of fertility) weighing huge phallus on a set of scales with a bag of money as it's counterweight, also a painting of sheep/Mars (symbol of wealth)
  • Main Atrium: Compluvium with lion head rainwater funnels, 2 arca (strong boxes- ostentatious show of wealth), frescoes of children making sacrifices, cupids riding horses/chariots, & ornate candelabras 
  • Small Atrium: Lararium, wooden steps to the second floor (for women)
  • Kitchen: Found complete with stove and bronze pots, small cubicle with ****** paintings next door
  • Garden: Peristyle, elaborate decorations- lots of statues & fountains in bronze and marble
  • Dining Room: CUPIDS MOSAIC
  • Room A: Daedalus & Pasiphae, Ixion frescoes
  • Room B: Hercules killing the serpent, Torture of Dirce, Death of Pentheus frescoes
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Houses (House of the Faun)

Named after the small bronze statue of a dancing faun which stood in the atrium.

  • House has both Greek & Italian influences
  • House is particularly famous for its mosaics
  • Greeting on the floor in the entrance of the house= HAVE (silent "h" = ave) meaning "welcome"
  • Did have shops along the front
  • Owners bodies were found in the tablium, trying to escape with their riches.
  • Unusual features: large size- takes up whole insula, had baths, had a stable, 2 atria

Other features:

  • Did have a tablinum, linked into the first atrium
  • Second atrium was for more private family affairs
  • Had two peristylia, separated by a "summer room"
  • SUMMER ROOM: has the Alexander Mosaic- most famous mosaic & isn't too damaged
  • Had two lararia, they were high up & stucco
  • House had lots of decorative friezes & mosaics (including 3-D mosaic)
  • Baths had a hypocaust system all of this shows off the wealth of the owners.


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The Forum

The Forum was the heart of Pompeii, situated in the SW of the town (near the harbour gate). The whole area was a pedestrian precinct (there were blocking stones- stopped vehicle access).

  • Commercial Buildings
  • Macellum: a covered market selling meat & fish. Had a circular building in the middle holding a pool of water (possibly fish in the pool?)
  • Eumachia: a building funded by a woman called Eumachia (a wealthy Pompeiian priestess). Believed to have been a guildhall for the fullers (cloth-manufacturing).
  • Weights & Measures: accurately checked measures from traders.
  • Granaries (horrea): used to store grain and cereal to be sold in the forum.
  • Religious Buildings
  • Temple of Jupiter: most important temple in the city, also dedicated to Juno & Minerva
  • Temple of Apollo: one of the earliest temples in the town. Had a statue of each of the twins
  • Temple of Emperor: where the Pompeians worshipped the Roman emperor- emperors=gods
  • Temple of Lares: where the Pompeians worshipped their ancestors, the protective spirits
  • Political Buildings
  • Office of Aediles: 
  • Office of Duovirs:
  • Basillica:
  • Comitium:
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Town Council
Duties & Responsibilities of: decurions, duovirs, aediles

Other Important Points

  • Guildes & Elections-
  • Graffiti-
  • Political Graffiti-
  • Election Posters-
  • Statues-
  • Porticoes-
  • Stalls-
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The Baths

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The Theatre

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The Amphitheatre

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david mejia


finish it



was quite good till you left it blank



good stuff 'till the rubbish ending

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