Political pressure groups in Germany

  • Created by: Elli.H
  • Created on: 09-11-18 10:25

Pan-German League

- established in 1891

- membership c25,000 - predominantly middle class with 60 reichstag deputies by 1914

- anti-semitic 


- to unite ethnic Germans around the world

- to acquire colonies (working closely wiht the 1882 German colonial League

- to suppress socialism and democracy

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Navy League

- established in 1898

- membership c500,000


- to promote naval espansion

- to develop popular support for the navy

- to put pressure on Reichstag to pass naval bills

- to promote growth of colonies

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Agrarian League

- Established 1893

- membership c250,000 (over 330,000 by 1913)

- led by Junkers but many were smallholders and tenant farmers


- to protect agricultural interests

- to lobby for tarrif protection to help farmers

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Imperial League against Social Democracy

- Established 1904

- membership c200,000

- supported by heavy industry


- to curb the growth of socialism through propagandist campaigns

- to promote conservative values

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Industrialists' League

- Established 1895

- members from manufacturing and export industries

- favoured high tariffs to promote exports


- to protect manufacturing interests

- to promote exports

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Army League

- Established 1912

- membership c300,000, with 500 branches by 1914


- to promote expansion of the German Army and that part of the economy that supported it

- to pressurise the Reichstag to pass army bills 

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