poetry cards

16 poems need to be learnt for exam in may

  • Created by: emily
  • Created on: 12-04-11 21:46


1.             War between mankind and nature – military imagery

2.            Nature cannot be defeated; it will always come back – use of ‘recruits’ and ‘sharp wounds again’

3.            Juxtaposition idea of revenge and protection – “slashed in fury” “seeking comfort”

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1.             Generations continue fighting for the same reason – “their sons appear, stiff with weapons”

2.            Nature protects itself from mankind – “splintered weapons” “against…the hoeing hands of men”

3.            Thistles personified as warriors – “from the underground stain of a decayed Viking”

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A Blade of Grass

1.             Love is natural – extended metaphor, use of grass to symbolise this

2.            The older we are, the more materialistic we become – “It is not good enough”

3.            When we get older, we lose appreciation for natures gifts – “A blade of grass becomes more difficult to accept” (last stanza loses a line to reflect this)

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1.             Nature is powerful – weapon imagery “gun-barrel” “torpedoed” “darts like a tracer-bullet”

2.            Nature is determined and ruthless – “is never burnt out … volley of cold blood”

3.            Nature is persistent, unemotional and methodical – “ramrodding the current” (last line on its own for emphasis)

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iguana memory

1.             Nature is simple like childhood memories “big like big big lizard”

2.            Memories flow and are not structured - no punctuation – written like a child, retelling a story

3.            To children, nature seems fascinating “with more legs than centipede” (exaggeration)

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1.             Humans live in a different world to nature – “happened into my dimension”

2.            Man does not understand the natural world – “to remember the password and sign”

3.            Man needs to remember the beauty and importance of nature – “revising its dawn inspiration back to the ordinary”

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keeping orchids

1.             The flowers symbolise the relationship between the mother and daughter – “carried them back like a baby in a shawl” (simile) “all the broken waters”

2.            Relationships are very difficult – “upset orchids…troubled hands”

3.            There are often secrets in relationships – “the buds remain closed as secrets” (simile)

4.            Sometimes it’s better to sever a relationship – “cutting the stems with a knife” (last line stands alone)

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the flowers

1.             The mother doesn’t know how to grieve – “like a little dog, I followed her” “not knowing how to say goodbye…I hesitated”

2.            Suggests a rift between the mother and her father – “her grandfather” “the grave of nettles”

3.            Ends with a more positive image of the relationship between the mother and daughter – “moving apart and coming together again, in and out of the ruts”

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1.             Mushrooms used to symbolise those that are oppressed – “diet on…crumbs of shadow” “earless and eyeless, perfectly voiceless”

2.            Things can appear innocent on the surface, but be sinister underneath – “nobody sees us”

3.            It is inevitable that the patient will be heard and seen – “We are meek” “we shall by morning inherit the earth

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1.             Nature is powerful – “crashing…booming…stampeding” – onomatopoeia and personification

2.            Man is defenceless against nature – “this house has been far out as sea all night” – metaphor

3.            Nature is something to be feared – “window tremble…stones cry” “fields quivering” – personification

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the thought-fox

1.             Nature is used as a source of creativity – “I imagine this midnight moments forest”

2.            Poet is describing the process of writing a poem – “sets neat prints into the snow”

3.            Suggests that the process of writing a poem is difficult – “a sudden sharp hot stink of fox”

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the horses

1.             Technology has faltered – “the radios failed” “a plane plunged over us into the sea”

2.            Nature symbolises strength and hope – “fabulous steeds set on an ancient shield”

Man needs to remember how important and useful nature and its roots are – “our life is changed; their coming our beginning

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the stag

1.             Mankind is selfish and undignified – “the kids inside cried and daubed their chocolate and fought”

2.            Nature is beautiful and should be protected – “The stag ran through his private forest”

3.            Mankind is brutal to nature – “his heart became just a club beating his ribs and his own hooves shouted with hound’s voices, and the crowd on the road got back into their cars”

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the storm

1.             Nature is a powerful phenomenon – “beating the walls…driving the last watchers indoors” “sudden shudder as the jutting sea-cliff collapses”

2.            Nature is unpredictable and cannot be controlled by mankind – “we wait; we listen” “hoping” “the storm lolls off, then redoubles (this is also reflected in the different line lengths, symbolising the unpredictable path a storm can take)

3.            Nature should be feared – “we creep to our bed” “a spider eases himself down…under the iron bedstead” “dead straw into the living pine tree

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the five students

1.             As life goes by, you lose people – “fallen one more”

2.            Man does not take the time to stop and appreciate nature – “we on our urgent way” “forward still we press”

3.            Death is inevitable – “earthworms draw it in” “I still stalk the course”

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break of day in the trenches

1.             Nature does not involve itself in human conflict – “now you have touched this English hand you will do the same to a German” “be your pleasure to cross the sleeping green between”

2.            Nature laughs at mankind – “it seems you inwardly grin as you pass” “sardonic rat”

3.            Nature springs from death – “poppies whose roots are in man’s veins”

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