Poetry - Love and Relationships

  • Created by: T999
  • Created on: 25-05-17 18:42

Winter Swans

‘waterlogged earth’

‘gulping for breath’

‘tipping in unison’

‘silent and apart’

‘they mate for life’

‘like a pair of wings settling after floods’

‘skirting the lakes’

‘bodies to their heads’

‘two days of rain’

‘given their all’

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Neutral Tones

‘greyish leaves’ ‘grey’

sun was white’

‘chidden of God’

‘tedious riddles of years ago’

‘starving sod’


‘grin of bitterness’

‘ominous bird wing’

‘Since then’

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Love's Philosophy

‘fountains mingle with the river’

‘rivers with the Ocean’

‘Heaven mix forever’

‘Nothing in the world is single’

‘why not I with thine?’

‘mountains kiss high heaven’

‘sunlight clasps the earth’

‘moonbeams kiss the sea’

'if thou not kiss me'

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Sonnet 29

‘my thoughts do twine and bud’

‘wild vines about a tree’

‘broad leaves’

‘straggling green’

‘strong tree’

‘burst, shattered ,everywhere!’

‘this deep joy to see and hear thee’

‘breathe within thy shadow a new air’

'I am too near thee'

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Eden Rock

‘They are waiting’


‘genuine Irish tweed’

‘sprigged dress’

‘stiff white cloth’

‘hair the colour of wheat, takes on the light’

‘tin cups’ – cheap – they are poor

‘sky whitens as if lit by three suns’


‘crossing is not as hard as you think’

'I had not thought that it would be like this'

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Letters from Yorkshire

‘planting potatoes’

‘knuckles singing’

‘reddened in the warmth’

‘not romance simply how things are’

‘heartful of headlines’

‘feeding words onto a blank screen’

‘is your life more real because you dig and sow?’

'other world'

‘our souls tap out messages’

'icy miles'

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‘My father’

‘horses strains’

‘heading with single pluck’

‘I stumbled’


‘his eye angled at the ground’

‘I stumbled’ 'I was a nuisance'

‘dipping and rising’

‘waned to grow up and plough

‘all I did was follow’

‘But today’ -  'stumbling behind me and will not go away'

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Walking Away

‘like a satellite wrenched from it’s orbit’

‘walking away from me’

‘pathos of a half fledged thing set free’

‘wilderness, the gait one’

‘hesitant figure’

‘like a winged see loosened  from it’s parents stem’

‘Gnaws at my mind still’

‘eighteen years ago’

‘self hood begins with walking away’

'love is proved in letting go'

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Mother any Distance


‘second pair of hands’

‘windows, pelmets, doors’

‘you at the zero end’


‘anchor kite’

‘space walk’


‘fingertips still pinch'

‘endless sky’ ‘fall or fly’

‘breaking point, where something has to give’ 'one hundredth of an inch...I reach'

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Before you were Mine

‘teach me the steps'


‘I’m not here yet’

‘me’ ‘you’ ‘mine’

‘you reckon it’s worth it’

‘best one, eh’


‘ghost' - 'loud, possesive yell'

‘bites on your neck sweetheart, sweetheart?’

‘cha cha cha!’

‘sparkle and waltz and laugh ‘ ‘glamourous love lasts’

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Climbing my Grandfather

‘without a rope or net’



‘earth stained hand’

‘like warm ice’

‘nails are splinted’

‘place my feet gently in the old stitches’

‘climbing has it’s dangers’

‘loose skin’

‘feeling his heat'

'slow pulse of his good heart'

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Climbing my Grandfather

‘without a rope or net’



‘earth stained hand’

‘like warm ice’

‘nails are splinted’

‘place my feet gently in the old stitches’

‘climbing has it’s dangers’

‘loose skin’

‘feeling his heat'

'slow pulse of his good heart'

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Singh Song

‘do di lock’

‘chutney ‘ and ‘Putney’

‘Sikh lovers site;

‘my bride’

‘effing at my mum’

‘stumble like a drunk’

‘di tummy ov a teddy’

‘tartan sari’‘di tickle’

‘midnight hour’ ‘wrap up quiet’

‘whispering stares’ ‘silver stool’

‘half priced window signs’ 'priceless baby'

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When we Two Parted

'silence and tears' - repetion at beginning and end

'half broken hearted'

'sever for years'

'colder thy kiss'

'sunk chill on my brow'

'vows are all broken'

'hear thy name spoken' 'share in its shame'

'knell in mine ear; 

'I rue thee'

'secret we met' 'silence I grieve'

''After longs years' ''how should i greet thee?'

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Farmers Bride

'I chose a maid' 'too young maybe'

'shut off a winters day'

't'wasn't a women'

'frightened fay'

'she runned away' 'we chased away

'flying like a hare'

'work about the house'

'happy enough' 'hadn't heard her speak at all'

'shy as a leverate'

'turned the key upon her' fast'

'caught her, fetched her' 'like a mouse'

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Porphyrias Lover

‘sullen wind’

‘heart fit to break’


‘smooth white shoulder bare’ ‘yellow hair’

‘give herself to me forever’

‘passion would prevail’

‘worshipped me’ ‘mine, mine, perfectly pure and good’

‘felt no pain’ 'without a stain'

‘propped her head’

‘darling one wish’

‘yet God has not said a word’ ‘all night we have not stirred’ 

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