Piaget Theory of Stages


The three stages in Piaget's theory are...

Abstract Logical Thinking.

Egocentric Thinking.

Concrete Logical Thinking.

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Abstract Logical Thinking

The ability to solve problems without having to be involved practically.

This is an advanced form of thinking that does not always need a practical context in order to take place.

Four year olds cannot use Abstract Logical Thinking.

Hardest skill.

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Egocentric Thinking

Not being able to see a situation from another person's point of view.

Piaget thought that a young child assumed that other people see, hear and feel exactly the same as the child does.

Infants use Egocentric Thinking.

This is a concept.

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Concrete Logical Thinking

The ability to solve problems providing an individual can see or physically handle the issues involved.

Start this around the age of seven.

Medium skill.

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