Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development

  • Created by: Yazz
  • Created on: 20-10-18 16:00

Policeman Doll Study

Summary: Children were shown a model with two intersecting walls. 2 policeman dolls were placed infront of two walls. They were asked to hide a boy doll from the policeman dolls' view. This was moved 3 times to increase the validity of the study. 90% of children were able to position the boy (aged 2-7 year olds). This challenged Piaget's theory of egocentrism as children under 7 seemed no longer egocentric. This was due to the fact that children were able to hide the boy multiple times in a row.Image result for policeman doll study (

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Naughty Teddy Study

Summary: In a study, 80 children from a school in Edinburgh took part. 2 rows of counters were laid and kids were introduced to Naughty Teddy. Children were asked what row was longer and then Naughty Teddy came and ruined the ''game''.Then, they found that children would get it more when it was on purpose. This means Piaget's study is being contradicted with specific evidence and showing taht it is not as perfect: challenges research.

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Dweck: Fixed and Growth mindset definitions

Fixed Mindset: People with this mentally belive that achievements are due to innate abilities. In other words, ability is genetic and unchanging. They think you are either born good at something or not, so it doesnt matter how much effort you put in. If you do well, it is evident that you have a natural talent for that thing.If you do badly then you are simply not talented and never will be, so you should just give up.People with this mindset focus on performance only and they do not believe in trying.

Growth Mindset: People with this mindset believe that you can always get better at something if they try hard enoguh. People with this mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn and they should NEVER GIVE UP and FOCUS ON THEIR GOALS.

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Improving Motivation and types of Motivation

Praise: We can praise effort and perserverance, so that it increases their motivation. We should reward to show recognition and approval.

Self-efficacy: We can start easy an progress in difficulty, so if you can get the easy ones correct,then they will try the harder ones as they will believe in themselves.

Internal motivation: Doing something because you value activity.

External motivation: Doing something in order to gain or avoid something else.

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Brain Image

Image result for brain split into 4 lobes

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