Physics topic 5

Physics topic 5

  • Created by: jesper
  • Created on: 08-04-12 08:41


Density = Mass/Volume
Density is measured in kg/m(cubed)

Volume= Width*Height*Depth

Pressure= force/area
Pressure is measured in Pascal

Pressure and depth
Pressure difference(Pa)= Heigh(m) * Density(kg/m(cubed)) * Gravitational field strength(N/kg)

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Solids, liquids and gases

àMeltsà LiquidàBiolingàGasàCondensingà Liquidà FreezingàSolid


The molecules in solids are tightly packed and held in fixed positions by strong forces. The molecules vibrate around on fixed positions. As the solid gets hotter these vibrations get bigger.


In a liquid the molecules are closely packed but do not have a regular structure. The forces between the molecules are strong. The molecules move randomly.


The molecule in a gas are widely spaced and in a continuous state of random motion. The forces are veyr small except during collision.

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Brownian motion

Brownian motion
if you look at tiny particles of matter, like smoke particles, in air under a microscope they are continuously jiggling around as if they are being struck at randomly on all sides by invisible particles. The scientist robert brown was the first to report this effect which he observed whilst looking at tiny pollen grains in liquid under a microscope. Therefore it is called brownian motion.

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Boyle’s law

p1 * V1 = P2 * V2 

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Absolute zero

Absolute zero
if the pressure is zero the graph estimates that the temperature will be -273 which is the lowest possible temperature.

To convert temperature from CàKelvin add 273 to the celsius temperature
To convert from Kelvin
à C, Subtract 273 from the kelvin temperature

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