Physical Education

Health related fitness

1) Cardiovascular fitness- The ability to exercie the entire body for long period of time.

2) Muscular strength- The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.

3)Muscular endurance- The ability to use voluntary muscles many without getting tired

4)flexibility- The range of movement possible at a joint.

5)Body compostion- The percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone

Skill related fitness

1)agility- the ability to change position of the body quickly and to control the movement  of the whole body.

2) Balance- The ability to retain the body's centre of mass (gravity) above the base of support with reference to static ( stationary), or dynamic (changing), conditions of movement, shape and orientation.

3) Coordination- The ability to use two or more body parts together.

4)Power- the ability to do strength performances quickly (power= strength x speed)

5)Reaction time- The time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of a movement.

6) Speed- the differential rate at which an indiviual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time.


1)Anabolic Steriods- Drugs that mimic the male sex hormone testosterone and promote bone and muscle growth

2) Beta blockers- Drugs that are used to control heart rate and that have a calming and relaxing effect.

3) Diuretics- Drugs that elevate the rate of bodily urine exrection

4) Narcotics/analgesics- Drugs that can be used to reduce the feeling of pain

5)Stimulants- Drugs that have an effect on the central nervous system, such as increased mental and/or physical alertness

6)Peptide Hormones- drugs that cause the productions of other hormones 

Training Methods

1) Circuit Training- A set of 6 to 10 exercises performed at stations in an organised pattern. Each exercise performed for a specified number of repetition or for a perscribed time bef


Description of keys

Aerobic- 'With oxygen'. If exercise is not too fast and is steady the heart can supply all the oxygen muscles need.

Aesthetic appreciation- To be able to see the beauty in a performance.

Anaerobic- 'Without' Oxygen'. If exerice is done in short, fast bursts, the heart cannot supply blood and oxygen to muscles as fast as the cells use them.

Blood pressure- blood pressure (BP) is the force exerted by the heart as it pumps blood out of the heart and into the arteries (systolic) high pressure) and it is low when it relaxes between beats (diastolic)

Cardic output- The amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute

Cholesterol- Cholesterol is a blood fat which the body needs in moderate amount.

Erythropoietin (EPO)- A type of peptide hormone that increses the red blood cell count

Exercise- a form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health/or physical fitness

Fitness- The ability to meet the demands of the environment

FITT- Frequency, intensity, time, type (used to increase the amount of work the body does, in order to achieve overload)

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Will Paget



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