Physical Eduction


Key concepts

Key concepts 

Competence- Involves a skill how you apply them to physical activity and how ready your body and mind is to perform these skills ( E.G Leanrnt an appropriate skill in hockey you need to learn how to stop and hit the ball)

Performance- This is producing effective outcomes when when participating in physical activities. (E.G able to perform well needing to be physically able and having good skills for exsample being to last the whole 90 mins in a football game and peform well all game)

Creativity- Exploring and experimenting with ideas and tactics in physical activity(E.G you might try different techniques when throwing the javlin that suits you)

Healthy Lifestlye- This is about understanding the purpose of physical activity in making us healthy ( E.G you participate regularly in a team spoort like rugby and you are more likeley to be healthy) 

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Fundamental Motor skills







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Decision making

Decison making E.G Football as a performer- deciding weather to pass the ball to a team mate or having a shot  or in Golf you choose which club to use when hitting the ball 

Desicion making as a participant 

  • choosing to take part in physical activity and what activity you take part in 
  • you might chooses to mark your opponent closley in basketball rather than giving him space

Decisiom Making as a Leader

  •  you could be a coach of a sports team ( volunteering to coach the local team)
  • leader of and exercise club 
  • captain of the team

Decision macking as an official

  • referee or umpire a game  ( E.G chooses weather it was a foul or not)
  • organise competitions 
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