Physical development in Early and Middle Adulthood


What generally happens is...

At their peak of physical fitness.

Manual dexterity also at peak.

After age twenty-eight, will start to slowly decline.

Also, at this point we would expect a female to also get pregnant.

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Ages 19 to 25

  • Height - you get taller
  • Muscle mass increases
  • Peak physically
  • Peak fertility
  • Higher energy levels
  • Pregnancy
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Ages 26 to 31

Generally pregnancy.

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Ages 32+

Decline in fertility



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What is lactation?

Breasts preparing milk.

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What happens in pregnancy and lactation?

  • Lactation
  • Periods stop
  • Could get diabetes
  • Gain weight
  • Swollen feet
  • Increase in progesterone - maintains the pregnancy as it allows egg to bury in uterus
  • Increase in oestrogen - sickness, fresh hair, fresh skin
  • Shape of breasts change - gets circular
  • N*pples darken/ sensitive
  • Frequent urination
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Perimenopause - definition and explanation

The perimenopause lasts around 4 years.

In our forties, women gradually make less oestrogen.

Her ovaries will stop making eggs.

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Perimenopause - symptoms

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Loss of libido - libido = sex drive
  • Vagina dryness
  • Mood swings
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Urine leakage
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45 – 55 The Menopause

This happens in early adulthood into middle adulthood.

Lasts maybe five years.

Large reduction of fertile eggs in ovaries.

Results in some shrinkage of sexual organs and sometimes a reduction in sexual interest.

Ending in menstruation.

Reduce oestrogen and progesterone.

May have problems like osteoporosis - where bobes become brittle and fragile.

Gonadotropins tries to produce eggs, body at conflict, causes irratibility, hot flushes and night sweats.

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