
belief about deity

religious and spiritual experiences


Why do Chrisitans believe in God?

Christians belive in God because of Jesus's presence on Earth and the God took human form through Jesus.

Monotheisits = people who belive in one God (Christians)

Christians believe the Holy Spirit is within each and every Christian.

Many people belive God comes in many different forms.

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God's characteristics

Transcendent and eternal

omnipotent (all powerful )

omniscient (all knowing)

omnibenevolent (all good and all loving)

omnipresent (all present)

God will judge everyone

God created the universe for a purpose

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5 main arguments for the existence of God:

The ontological: God is "That tthan which nothing greater can be concieved - we cannot think of anything greater than God therefore he exists

Cosmological: The universe must of come from somewhere, Christians believe it came from God. God is the "first cause"

Teleological: the world shows that it has been designed and so must of been created/designed by someone = God

Argument from experience: people can experience God through prayers , miracles etc...

Moral: people understand good/bad and right/wrong , this knowledge must have come from God.

Necessary being: the theory of Thomas Aqunias that God must exist because he cannot not exist

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"Holy Trinity"

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A miracle is :

  • Something out of the ordinary that catches the attention
  • Intended by God as a sign of love and power
  • A marvellous event which cannot have been brought about by humans or by nature and so is said to be perfomed by God
  • Something that usually shows control over the laws of nature e.g. bringing a dead person back to life
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God intervening in the world through miracles, Jes

God coming to earth as Jesus fully human is seen as one of the greatest miracles also Jesus resurrection from the dead after the crucifixion

Jesus performed many miracles of different types :

  • healing miracles
  • nature miracles e.g. calming the storm
  • exorcisms e.g the healing of legion
  • raising people from the dead e.g. Lazarus

Many miracles as seen as the work of the Holy Spirit. The first miracle of the Holy Spirit was Pentecost when the disciples were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues.

Some Chrisitans have argued that it does'nt matter whether the miracles of the New Testament happened or not. Its important that the spiritual message about God's love for humans which is behind the miracles.

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Private Worship

Types of private worship :

  • Some people pray talking to God
  • Some people meditate trying to empty their minds of ordinary thought listening to their spiritual feeling
  • some people belong to small groups that meet locally for friendship ,bible study and prayer.
  • Some people read the bible with the help of a study book to enable them to better understand the bible and their faith.
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Public Worship

Most Christians attend religious service to worship God with others e.g. church

The eucharist (thanksgiving) is common to most christians. This service the Last Supper which Jesus ate with his disciples.

For many Christians the celebration of the Eucharist and recieving Holy Communion is at the center of their worship. It is a sacrament, which means that it is a special way of receiving grace.

Another form of worship is called charismatic and can be found across all christian dominations. people try to open themselves to the holy spirit and be inspired by it.

Worship can include actions such as charity work, pilgrimages , singing/praising and thanking God. 

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Why do Chrisitans believe in God?

Christians belive in God because of Jesus's presence on Earth and the God took human form through Jesus.

Monotheisits = people who belive in one God (Christians)

Christians believe the Holy Spirit is within each and every Christian.

Many people belive God comes in many different forms.

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God's characteristics

Transcendent and eternal

omnipotent (all powerful )

omniscient (all knowing)

omnibenevolent (all good and all loving)

omnipresent (all present)

God will judge everyone

God created the universe for a purpose

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5 main arguments for the existence of God:

The ontological: God is "That tthan which nothing greater can be concieved - we cannot think of anything greater than God therefore he exists

Cosmological: The universe must of come from somewhere, Christians believe it came from God. God is the "first cause"

Teleological: the world shows that it has been designed and so must of been created/designed by someone = God

Argument from experience: people can experience God through prayers , miracles etc...

Moral: people understand good/bad and right/wrong , this knowledge must have come from God.

Necessary being: the theory of Thomas Aqunias that God must exist because he cannot not exist

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"Holy Trinity"

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A miracle is :

  • Something out of the ordinary that catches the attention
  • Intended by God as a sign of love and power
  • A marvellous event which cannot have been brought about by humans or by nature and so is said to be perfomed by God
  • Something that usually shows control over the laws of nature e.g. bringing a dead person back to life
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God intervening in the world through miracles, Jes

God coming to earth as Jesus fully human is seen as one of the greatest miracles also Jesus resurrection from the dead after the crucifixion

Jesus performed many miracles of different types :

  • healing miracles
  • nature miracles e.g. calming the storm
  • exorcisms e.g the healing of legion
  • raising people from the dead e.g. Lazarus

Many miracles as seen as the work of the Holy Spirit. The first miracle of the Holy Spirit was Pentecost when the disciples were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues.

Some Chrisitans have argued that it does'nt matter whether the miracles of the New Testament happened or not. Its important that the spiritual message about God's love for humans which is behind the miracles.

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Private Worship

Types of private worship :

  • Some people pray talking to God
  • Some people meditate trying to empty their minds of ordinary thought listening to their spiritual feeling
  • some people belong to small groups that meet locally for friendship ,bible study and prayer.
  • Some people read the bible with the help of a study book to enable them to better understand the bible and their faith.
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4 main types of prayer:

A = Adoration - worshipping God for who he is /what he is

C = Confession - saying sorry to God for wrong doings

T = Thanksgiving - thanking God 

S = Supplication - asking God for own needs and others needs.

Rosary = used in Roman Catholic Church.
String of beads with crucifix  one large bead 10 smaller ones . each 10 beads = decade. use the rosary for 4 sets of mysteries: each set based on life of jesus/virgin mary.

Luminous mysteries

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Prayer 2

Prayers said by Christians :

Our Father

Glory Be

Hail Mary

Hail, Holy Queen

the Apostles Creed

Some Christians might meditate

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Art/Music in worship

Quakers dont use art or music in worship

Mosaics used in early times in churches

Stain glass windows used to show bible

Orthodox churches use icons (pictures) of saints/jesus makes the relationship intimate

Roman Catholics have Stations of the Cross showing last days of Jesus' life.

early days of christian worship there has been singing/hymns and thankgiving to God and music to express feeling.

Main music used in Christian churches : hymns , music for reflection and music for special occasions

Pentecostal worship song sung using a whiteboard and guitar

Gospel worship popular way of expressing belief.

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Symbolism in worship

symbol = way of representing something else

most common Christian symbols :

Alpha / Omega - the 1st and last letter of greek alphabet = jesus is the beginning and end of all things

A fish - the intial letter from the Greek phrase meaning "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour make up the word fish in Greek

A dove - symbol of peace/ Holy Spirit

Chr-rho - the 1st 2 letters of Jesus' name in Greek

Cross - most common Christiand symbol

Crucifix - a cross with jesus on it

Candles - Jesus is the light of the world.

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Food/ Fasting

Some Christians eat cetain food at certain times e.g. not eating meat on friday.

Traditional food are eaten at certain festivals:
hot cross buns on Good Friday
pancakes on Shrove Tuesday
mince pies at Christmas

Some food is symbolic e.g. eggs at easter = new life

Harvest festival thanking God for successful gathering in harvest. food giving to poor

Fasting = going without food/drink for a period of time for religious reasons
or giving something up

Lent preperation of Easter 40 days

Advent preperation for Christmas 12 days

In past Roman Cathoics fast for 12 hours before recieving communion now only 1 hour.

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