Percentages - Maths

Key points for working out percentages

  • Created by: Myu Inoue
  • Created on: 25-04-11 08:55


Quarters = 1/4 is the same as 0.25 and 25%

3/4 is the same as 0.75 and 75%

Fifths = 1/5 is the same as 0.2 and 20%

2/5 is the same as 0.4 and 40%

3/5 is the same as 0.6 and 60%

4/5 is the same as 0.8 and 80%

Tenths = 2/10 is the same as 0.2 and 20%

3/10 is the same as 0.3 and 30%

4/10 is the same as 0.4 and 40%

5/10 is the same as 0.5 and 50% (etc.)

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Hundredths = 7/100 is the same as 0.07 and 7%

32/100 is the same as 0.32 and 32%

9/100 is the same as 0.09 and 90%

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How do we solve the percentage of something?

-To find 25% of an amount, first halve it to find 50% of the amount, then halve it again to find 25% (or to make things easier, just divide by 4)

-To find 75% of an amount, first find 25% of the amount then multiply that number by 3 (25*3 = 75)

OR, in a "what is ........% of ........." question, turn the percentage into a decimal and multiply it with the other number in the question

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