Percentage Mass Composition

This will show how to work out the percentage of a element or compound


How to work out % Mass Composition

Here is the formula for working out the percentage mass composition:



Mass of element / Total mass X 100 = ...%

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CuSO4 and NaOH Examples

CuSO4 is made up of Cu, S, O4

Cu = 64/160 X 100 = 40%

S = 32/160 X 100 = 20%

O4 = 64/160 X 100 = 40%

NaOH is made up of Na, O, H

Na = 23/40 X 100 = 57.5%

O = 16/40 X 100 = 40%

H = 1/40 X 100 = 2.5%

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C6H12O6 Example

C6H12O6 is made up of C6, H12, O6

C6 = 72/180 X 100 = 40%

H12 = 12/180 X 100 = 6.6%

O6 = 96/180 X 100 = 53.3%

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