P.E Theory 1.1.5

Just topic 1.1.5

  • Created by: ruaridh
  • Created on: 21-12-11 10:03

1.1.5 Balanced Diet

Balanced diet: is and essentail part of providing the energy needed to work and exercise, also to rest and repair tissue. The energy balance must be considered, calories in shoudl equal calories out.

Marco Nutrients: Carboydrates, thay are stored in the muscles and the liver as glycogen, which is quickly converted into glucose and used to provide energy. Fats, the daily intake of fats to provide energy should be about 30% of the total diet.  protein, protein is important to a balanced, healthy lifestyle because without it, it would be be impossible to build muscle and reapir injuries to muscles, which make physical actvity very hard.

Micro Nutrients: Minerals, are essentail for a healthy body. They include Calcium, Iron, soudium and potassium. Vitamins, come in two groups, water soluble and fat soluble. Water, transports nutriens, waste and hormones around the body and controls the distribution of electrolytes. Fibres, adds bulk to food and aids the function of the digestive system. The fibre content of some foods may be reduced when they are processed and peeled.

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Calcium and Iron

Calcium: It is important on the formation of bones and teeth, and helps to make the bones strong. Bones reach their peak mass, or their strongest, when people around 30-35 years of age. After this you should maintain the intake of calcium to decrease the chances of Osteoporosis.

Iron: Is essential to the blood becasye of its links with haemoglobin and its effects on the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and the formation of red blood cells. Lack of iron can lead to a condition called Anaemia which causes tiredness, lethargy, shortness of breath and palpitation.

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Vitamin A: Is found in milk, chees, egg yolk, liver and carrots. It is necessary for vision and helps prevent night blindeness.

Vitamin B1: Is needed to release carbohydrates, and is found in whole grains, nuts and meat.

Vitamin C: Is found in fruits and vegetables. It helps healing and fighting infection and the maintenace of bonea, teeth and gums.

Vitamin D: Is found in milk, fish, liver and eggs. Sunshine is also a good souce of vitamin D. It is necessary for healthy bones.

Vitamin E: Is found in vegetable oil, wholemeal bread and cereals, and is needed for growth and evelopment.

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Dietary intake and performance

Blood flow during exercise: At the beginning of the exercise, blood is sent to the working muscles. Less blood is thereofr available to digest food in the gut, which can cause cramps and stomach discomfort. This flow of blood form other areas into the muscles is know as blood shunting,

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