pe flashcards

Edexcell terminoligy for gcse pe theroy 



With oxygen. If exercise is not too fast and steady, the heart can supply all the oxygen the muscles need. 

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the abiliy to change the position if the body quickly and to control the movement of the whole body 

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Without oxygen. If exercise is done in short, fast bursts, the heart cannot supply blood and oxygen to the muscles as fast as the cells can use them

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The ability to retain the centre of mass(gravity) of the body above the base of support with reference to static - stationairy -  or dynamic - changing - conditions of movement, shape and orientation 

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body composition

the percentage of body weight which is, fat, muscle, and bone

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cardiac output

the amount of blood pumped from the heart in one minute

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pertaining to the heart and blood vessels

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cardiovascular fitness

the ability to exercise the body for long periods of time without experiencing fatigue and being able to meet the demands of the environment

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the ability to use more than two body parts together 

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Danger - to casualty or first-aider

Response - different levels of casualty responce

Alert/unresponsive - presence or absence of voice/pain

Airway -is there a blockage of the airway 

Breathing - listening and feeling if the casualty is breathing 

Circulation - is the blood circulating 

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a form of physical activity done to improve health, and physical fitness

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the ability to meet the demands of the environment 

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the range of movement possible at a joint

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a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity 

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Heart rate

the number of times the hear beats per minute

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Isometric contractions

muscle contractions which result in increased tension but the length does not alter e.g rugby scrum 

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Isotonic contractions

muscle contraction that results in limb movements. TO MOVE. e.g straddle jump

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a place where two or more bones meet

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Muscle tone

voluntary muscles in a state of slight tension, ready and waiting to be used

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Muscular endurance

the ability to use voluntary, many times without getting tired

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Muscular strength

the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance 

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a term used to describe people who are very overfat 

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fitness can only be improved through training more than you normally do

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a way of saying you have more body fat than you should

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having weight in excess of normal. Not harmful unless accompanied by overfatness

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Oxygen dept

the body cannot provide oxygen during anaerobic activity so it builds up an oxygen dept which is replaced after exercise by panting

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How well a task is completed 

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The ability to do strength performances quickly. POWER = STRENGTH X SPEED

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Progressive overload

Start slowly and gradually increase the amount of exercise you do

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Reaction time

the time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of movement 

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any adaptation that takes place as a consequence of training will be reversed when you stop training 

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Soft issue injury treatment

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation 

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you must do specific kinds of exercise to build specific body parts

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the differential rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement a cover a distance in a period of time

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Stroke volume

the volume of blood pumped out of the heart by each ventricle during one pump

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Tidal volume

the amount of air breathed in or out of the lungs in one normal breath

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a well-planned, programme which uses scientific principles to improve performance, skill, game ability and physical fitness

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Vital capacity

the maximum amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled after breathing in as much as possible 

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