
  • Created by: immi_1
  • Created on: 01-03-18 12:26


Density = Mass ÷ volume

Density is in kg/m³ or g/cm³  

To find the density of an irregular shape you have to use a displacement can. 

  • Weigh the shape of the object you are measuring 
  • Fill the displacement can with water level with the spout
  • Place a beaker to collect the water that is displaced at the end of the spout
  • Gently place the shape in the water 
  • Once all the water that is displacing is collected then measure the amount of water in the measuring cylinder
  • That water is the volume of the shape
  • Then put the volume and mass into the formula to work out the density 
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States of Matter

Solid: Fixed volume, compact, together, hard, fixed shape, regular arrangement pattern

Liquid: Fixed volume, loose, no fixed shape, flexible, they slide over one another, random motion

Gas: No fixed volume, disconnected, distanced, no fixed shape, squashable, spaced out, random motion

Solid to Liquid - melting - Liquid to Gas - evapouration 

Gas to Liquid - condensation - Liquid to Solid - freezing

Solid to Gas - sublimation

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Specific Latent Heat of Fusion

The amount of energy (J) that it takes to change the state of 1kg of a substance.

Latent Heat of Fusion is measured in J/kg/°C

For melting and boiling energy must be added to the substance and for condensing and freezing energy will be taken away. 

Laten Heat of Fusion of ICE

At -8°C ice will begin to absorb heat energy from its surroundings. The heat energy translates into kinetic energy and the particles in the ice begin to move round faster. The movement of the particles rises the temperature from -8°C to 0°C which is the melting point of ice.

Energy (J) = Specific Latent Heat of Fusion (J/kg) X Mass (kg)

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