

Parable of the Great Banquet

  • Allegorical parable

  • Inaugurated eschatology- don't know when it will occur but you must be ready

  • V21 ‘ go out quickly into the streets and bring in the poor’ highlighting the fact that it those who are humble who will revive their seats in the kingdom.

  • It's not about status or wealth but humility and serving God.

  • V17 refers to Jewish custom at the time. If the Jews weren't ready they would risk rejection which means they would forever be outside the kingdom. They chose their own punishment

  • The key message=  the blessings of the kingdom of God are available to all who come to christ by faith.

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The Parable of the Sower

  • Allegorical parable as everything stands for something, e.g- farmer= Jesus

     , seeds= word of God

  • Key message is explained by verse 15 ‘ but the seed on the good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it and by persevering’

  • This would have been difficult at the time as not everyone had the same faith

  • However, by persevering and responding to his word they could enter the kingdom

  • It reflects realised eschatology as Jesus is there present and evidently saying what they need to do.

  • Women and their involvement. This would have been important for Luke writing for a Gentile audience . It shows that they were helping to proclaim the kingdom of God

  • Key message- anyone can enter as long as they choose to hear the word, retain it, persevere and respond.

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