PACE Codes Of Practice A to H

  • Created by: DeVanté
  • Created on: 15-10-13 10:10

Code A (Statutory Powers of stop and search)

Deals with a police officer's legal powers to search a person and or any vehicle prior to manking any arrest. They must also take note of the encounter.

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Code B (searches of premises and seizure of proper

Deals with the Police's powers to enter and search premises and seize any posessions found on a person or premises. The powers under this code are conferres in order to find any persoms who are wanted by the police for questioning, arrest or, in relation to any crime; to find any property and material relating to the commission of the crime or; to find any children who should be in local authority custody whre they hyave been remanded or place following a court order

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Code C (The detention, treatment and questioning o

Lays out the requirements for detaining suspects and how they should be treated and questioned whilst in police custody.

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Code D (The Identification of Persons)

Relates to the processes used by the police for the identification of persons in relation to the commission of a criminal offence and the police's obligation to maintain accurate and dependable information regarding criminal records.

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Code E (Audio Recording interviews with suspects)

Governs all audio recording of interviews carried out at the police station. Any interview concerning the following scenarios must be audio taped.  All interviews with a suspect who is cautioned in relation to a criminal offence or; any extra questions that may be put to a suspect after they have been charged with a criminal offence or; when an interviewer wants to tella person, after they have been charge with a criminal offence, about any other written statement or interview with another person. 

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Code F (Visual Recording with sound of interviews

Relates to the practices associated with the visual recording with sound of an interview. An interview may be recorded visually in all circumstances outlined in Code E or, in the presence of a deaf, or a deaf/blind or speech impaired person who uses sign language to communicate; or in the presence of a minor or anyone else who requires an appopriate adult; or in any case where a visually recorded interview is requested by the suspect or their representative.

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Code G ( The statutory power of arrest)

Deals with police powers to arrest any individual suspected of committing or connected with the commission of a criminal offence. Police powers of arrest are set out in s.24 of PACE (Police and criminal evidence act) and they should ounly be exercised when absolutley necessary or, they risk interfering with a suspect's right to liberty as embodied in the HRA(Human rights act) 1998

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Code H (Detention, treatment and questioning of pe

Lays out the requirements for the detention of suspects arrested under the Terrorism act 2000 and how the should be treated and questioned whilst in custody. This code stops applying the moment that a suspect is either charged with an offence, released without charge or transferred to a prison.

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