P4 - Electric circuits


P4 - Electric circuits

P4 - Electric circuits...

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P4.1 - Current and charge...

Image result for circuit symbols (http://dccircuit.wikispaces.com/file/view/Electrical_Symbols_2.GIF/121800783/Electrical_Symbols_2.GIF)

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P4.1 - Current and charge...

  • Electric current  is a flow of charge carried by electrons. 
  • Electron charge: Proton (think positive)
  • The size of electric current is rate of charge flow 
  • Current (A) = Charge (C) / Time (s)
  • A = amps
  • C = coulombs
  • In a single closed loop circuit, the current is the same at every point. 
  • A diode allows current to flow in one direction only
  • (1 amp = 1 coulomb per second)
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P4.2 - Potential difference and Resistance....

  • Potential Difference = Voltage, energy used by a component in a circuit 
  • Voltage (V) = work done (J) / Charge (Q)
  • Resistance (ohms) = Potential differnce (V) / Current (I)
  • Ohms law: 
  • Current through a resistor is directly proportional to potentiall difference across the resistor. 
  • Reversing the potentiall difference reverses the current through the resistor.
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P4.2 - Potential difference and Resistance....

  • Potential Difference = Voltage, energy used by a component in a circuit 
  • Voltage (V) = work done (J) / Charge (Q)
  • Resistance (ohms) = Potential differnce (V) / Current (I)
  • Ohms law: 
  • Current through a resistor is directly proportional to potentiall difference across the resistor. 
  • Reversing the potentiall difference reverses the current through the resistor.
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P4.3 - Component Charecteristics...

Filament bulb: 

  • resistance increases if temperature increses - more particles vibrating, harder for current to flow!


  • One direction only. The reverse direction has a very high resistance so there is no current!


  • resistance decreases as temperature increase 


  • Resistance decreases as light intensity increases as the light falling on it gets brighter. 
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P4.4 - Series circuit...

  • Components are connected one after the other. 
  • If one breaks they all break
  • The potentiall difference is shared between all the components. 
  • If you add the resistnace of all the components you get the total resistance. 
  • The second bulb in the circuit will be dimmer 
  • For cells in the same direction, the total potentiall difference is the sum of their induvidual potentiall diffrences. 
  • If you add more resistors the total resisitance is increased, as there is less churrent flow.
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P4.5 - Paralell circuits...

  • Each component is connected along the supply, so if there is a break current can still flow to other branches. 
  • Each component is connected across the suppply so the p.d is the same. 
  • The total current is the sum of current sthrough the seprate branches. 
  • Adding more resistors decreases the total resistance as the total current through the resisttors  is increased and the total potentiall differnce is unchnaged.
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