P2.1 Static electricity

-balloon has negative charge, when touched with the wall the positive charge is left behind (the induced charge) attracts the negative charge on the balloon. electrons in the wall repel and move away. 

- when you rub an acetate rod with cloth, some electrons in the acetate move onto the cloth. when you rub polythene rod, some of the electrons in the cloth move onto the polythene. the acetate has now become positive and the cloth has become and equal negative charge. 

  • Created by: amrik
  • Created on: 16-10-13 20:34

P2.1 Static electricity

-balloon has negative charge, when touched with the wall the positive charge is left behind (the induced charge) attracts the negative charge on the balloon. electrons in the wall repel and move away. 

- when you rub an acetate rod with cloth, some electrons in the acetate move onto the cloth. when you rub polythene rod, some of the electrons in the cloth move onto the polythene. the acetate has now become positive and the cloth has become and equal negative charge. 

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