P2- Energy transfer by heating...


P2.1 - Energy transfer by conduction...

  • Metals are the best conductors of thermal energy
  • Non metals such as wool and fibreglass are good insualtors. (They keep you warm!!)
  • The higher the thermal conductivity of a material, the higher the rate of energy transfer through the material. 
  • A thick layer of insulating material will have a low rate of energy transfer.  - that is what we like to keep out houses warm!
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P2.2 - Specific heat capacity...

  • Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy needed to change the temparature of 1kg of the substance by 1 degree celcius. 
  • the greater the mass, the more slowly the temperature will increase.
  • You can use a themometer to work out the temperature. 
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Specific heat capacity equation..

Image result for specific heat capacity equation (http://www.one-school.net/Malaysia/UniversityandCollege/SPM/revisioncard/physics/heat/images/heatcapacityformula.png)

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p2.3 - Heating and Insulating buildings...

  • Houses are heated by electric or gas, oil or central heating systems, or by fuel in fireburners or stoves. 
  • Rate of energy transfer from houses can be reduced by having, loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, double glazed windows, aliminum foil behind radiators  and thicker external walls. 
  • cavity wall insulation is when insulation is used to fill the cavity between two brick layers of an external house wall.
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