Ontological Argument for the Existance of God

About the Ontological Argument as it was explained by Anselm


Ontological Argument - First Form

1. God can be defined as 'That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Concieved'

2. We can all acheive a perfect being in our minds BUT if we could conceive an even more perfect being it would not just exist in our minds but in reality

3. Beings which exist in the mind and reality are greater than beings which exist only in the mind

4. Therefore, God must exist in the mind AND reality

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Ontological Argument - Second Form

1. A necessary being is better than a contingent being because a contingent being relies on something else for it's existance

2. God can be defined as 'That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Concieved'

3. A necessary being can't not exist and God is necessary

4. Therefore God exists

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