  • Created by: branwen
  • Created on: 14-05-13 18:38

"George looked ashamedly at the fire"

  • he's sorry for the pain he caused Lennie
  • he values his friendship with lennie more than the chance to live a different life
  • he's ashamed of himsef 
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"He can do anything " "strong as a bull"

  • Geroge wants to protect Lennie ,
  • He hasn't reasised that he sounds suspicious .
  • This shows how he values his friendship with Lennie above anything else ,
  • a little overprotective
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"You're a lot of trouble ...didn't have u on my ta

  • The way he flips over such a small thing shows how he has to keep his fustrtion bottled up 
  • . When he's angry he forgets how much he depends on Lennie .
  •  When he says that he's "on my tail" is shows how the relationship is like a animal and master's 
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I could get along so easy wthout u on

  • The way he flips over such a small thing shows how he has to keep his fustrtion bottled up 
  • . When he's angry he forgets how much he depends on Lennie .
  •  When he says that he's "on my tail" is shows how the relationship is like a animal and master's 
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"You gonna be sick like you was last night" "You t

  • overprotectiveness is a sign of how lonley he would be without Lennie
  •  warns him before hand  showing that he cares for him
  • he knows that he can't see posible consiquences from his actions
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"We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn abou

  • "We" "Us" he cant imagine being apart from Lennie
  • Contrast between the way he talks , and what he says . He's angry at something - maybe he knows that one day , he'l have to live without Lennie 
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"Someday , we're gonna get the jack together , and

  • He only talks about the dream to Lennie , because he's the one keeping it alive
  • He knows it by heart , because he's said it many times , because Lennie want to hear it
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"a guy can get everything outta his system all at

  • His view on women are biased and basic , and he sees them as instruments
  • Women are'nt part of his dream on the farm , and he doesnt espress the need for a female companion - fearfull of a comitted relationship after moving around so often
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" I won't let em hurt Lennie" "Maybe they'll lock

  • Protective of him
  • He still has hope for Lennie , even though he knows that it's hopeless .
  •  He can't  stand the idea of him being hurt , so he convinces himself otherwise .
  •  Shows how much he cares for Lennie
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When he's shooting Lennie "he said woodenly" "quie

  • He knows what he must do , but hasnt quite accepted it yet , and he's nervous
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"He used to like to talk 'bout it so often , i sta

  • Lennie's childish behauiviour was keeping the dream live , because he wanted to talk about it all the time
  • Without Lennie , George would have given up on the dream , showing how he needs him to be able to hope for a better future
  • The dream dies with Lennie , almost as if he's taking the dream farm to the afterlife with him . its being described by George as he dies - George can go on without it , but Lennie can't 
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"The first man was small , quick and dark of face

  • "First" He's the leader , Lennie is following him
  • "sharp strong features"  Give the immediate impression of intelligence , especially compared to Lennie.
  • "restless eye's"he's alert , and carefull , contrasting Lennie's "large pale eyes"
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" I like em with ketchup ' 'Well we aint got any '

  • Lennie is childlike , because he knows that he can't have ketchup , but asks George anyway . Parent - child relationship
  • His fustration shows the destruciveness of Lennie's behaiviour , especially since Lennie is unaware of this
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"If i was alone i could live so easy ... "

  • The better life George dreams of is the life the other workers find so unsatisfying
  • George actually enjoys the companionship with Lennie , and the sense of responsiblity , even though he complains
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