Of Mice And Men- George


George is loyal to Lennie

  • George is always telling Lennie what to do and how to behave. 
  • He helps Lennie stay out of trouble and sorts things out if they have any problems like they did in Weed
  • Lennie relies on George for the most basic things such as getting a job and finding food.
  • Although, George hasn't always been good to Lennie--he once told him to jump into a river and he almost drowned. 
  • When George killed Lennie it emphasises his loyalty for him because he knows it would be kinder to kill Lennie in the head--he didn't even quiver"--like Candy's dog--Plus, he is dreaming about the farm and owning rabbits. He knows that Curley will kill him in a painful way, in "his gut"
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George has no problems on his own

  • George is reasonably smart--he knows how to get work
  • He often says he would be better off by himself--"if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an' work an' no trouble"--but George wouldn't be happy by himself because he feels responsible for Lennie.
  • Although, George says he would be better off alone--he would lose his companionship and lose sight of his dream that Lennie reminds him of everyday
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George is a realistic character

  • George enjoys the things that most people would--like looking at the stars in Chapter One--"Tonight I'm gonna lay right here and look up. I like it."--he also likes his freedom.
  • Steinbeck also persuades the reader to feel sympathy for George. For example, he calls Lennie a "poor *******" even when he's just about to tell him off
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George is quite aggressive

  • When Candy tries to get involved with their dream--George is defensive--"You got nothing to do with us."
  • His dislike for Curley means he orders Lennie to fight back against him--even though this could get him into a lot of trouble
  • He is defensive of everything--when Slim says it's unusual that George and Lennie travel together he snaps at him
  • He's often aggressive towards Lennie when he is frustrated with something
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George is good at reading people

  • George realises that Curley's a character to avoid--George hates Curley immediately because he's aggressive towards them, (especailly Lennie). He fears that he's "gonna tangle with that *******."
  • He doesn't like Curley's wife--"I've seen 'em poison before". He warns Lennie to stay away from her as he senses that she'll cause them trouble
  • He quickly trusts Slim and tells him about what happened in Weed--"You wouldn' tell?...No, 'course you wouldn'."
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His dream keeps him going

  • He isn't in control of his own life. He also can't control Lennie and his behaviour
  • George often recites the dream to Lennie, to make him happy but he does believe he can do it as well sometimes--"I bet we could swing her" and he gets "entranced" with his picture of the farm
  • At the end of the novel George is free of Lennie and he could "live so easy"--but Lennie's death isn't a happy ending for George--he'll be lonely without his friend.
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