OCR Chemistry A Unit 2 Key definitions

A complete list of definitions to know before the unit 2 exam

Those with *** have come up in the past 7 papers

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 01-05-12 15:16

Atom Economy

 Is a measure of how much of the products are useful 

  Mr of desired products        x 100  *

Sum of Mr’s of all products

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(Free) Radical:

Species that has an unpaired electron *

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Fuel derived from recently living plant material (bioethanol/biodiesel)

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Carbon Capture & Storage:

The removal of waste carbon dioxide as a liquid injected deep in the oceans, as storage in deep rock formations or by reaction with metal oxides to form stable carbonate minerals.

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% Yield:

The mass/moles of product expressed as a percentage of what you should obtain assuming complete conversion.     

Actual Mass/Moles         x 100

Theoretical Mass/Moles 

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Dynamic Equilibrium: .

When in a closed system the rate of both the forward reaction and the backward reaction are equal

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Le Chatelier’s Principle:

The position of equilibrium will shift as to minimize the effect of any change in conditions *  

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Activation Energy:

Is the minimum amount of energy required for the reactants to react together * 

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Atom Economy

 Is a measure of how much of the products are useful 

  Mr of desired products        x 100  *

Sum of Mr’s of all products

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Rate of Reaction:

The change in concentration of a reactant or product in a given time (concentration/time = moldm-3s-1)

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(Free) Radical:

Species that has an unpaired electron *

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Speeds up the rate of the reaction without being used up in the process.

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Fuel derived from recently living plant material (bioethanol/biodiesel)

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Mass Spectrometry:

A technique used to determine the relative isotopic masses of elements and molecules (using the molecular ion peak). It provides a useful method for identifying elements and molecules and is used in space probes and in monitoring levels of environmental pollution (eg. Lead in water supply systems)

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Carbon Capture & Storage:

The removal of waste carbon dioxide as a liquid injected deep in the oceans, as storage in deep rock formations or by reaction with metal oxides to form stable carbonate minerals.

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Infrared Spectroscopy:

 A technique used to identify functional groups in molecules by analysing the Infrared absorption pattern of chemical bonds. It is used in modern breathalysers and in monitoring levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

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% Yield:

The mass/moles of product expressed as a percentage of what you should obtain assuming complete conversion.     

Actual Mass/Moles         x 100

Theoretical Mass/Moles 

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Dynamic Equilibrium: .

When in a closed system the rate of both the forward reaction and the backward reaction are equal

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Le Chatelier’s Principle:

The position of equilibrium will shift as to minimize the effect of any change in conditions *  

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Activation Energy:

Is the minimum amount of energy required for the reactants to react together * 

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Rate of Reaction:

The change in concentration of a reactant or product in a given time (concentration/time = moldm-3s-1)

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Speeds up the rate of the reaction without being used up in the process.

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Mass Spectrometry:

A technique used to determine the relative isotopic masses of elements and molecules (using the molecular ion peak). It provides a useful method for identifying elements and molecules and is used in space probes and in monitoring levels of environmental pollution (eg. Lead in water supply systems)

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Infrared Spectroscopy:

 A technique used to identify functional groups in molecules by analysing the Infrared absorption pattern of chemical bonds. It is used in modern breathalysers and in monitoring levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

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