OCR Biology F215 - Biotechnology and gene technology exam questions

tricky questions from exam papers

  • Created by: sophie
  • Created on: 11-04-12 15:31

Penicillin Production

Explain the fall in Lactose and ammonia when producing penicillin

Both used for growth and to make penicillin

Lactose broken down to glucose for respiration

Ammonia used to make protein/amino acids/nucleotides/nucleic acids 

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Explain the importance of maintaining aseptic cond

Avoid unwanted microbe presence

no competition for nutrients

conditions remain unchanged

no contamination of penicillin batch

prevent escape of microbes/fungus/spores

Give the name of the large pressure cooker used to steam-sterilise equipment


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Name each of the following descriptions (gene tech

An enzyme that synthesises new DNA

DNA polymerase

An enzyme that cuts DNA at specific sequenceses

Rrestriction enzyme

An enzyme that reseals the cut ends of DNA

DNA ligase

Small cercular pieces of DNA found in bacteria containing antibiotic resistance genes


An enzyme found on some viruses with an RNA genome: enzyme that converts RNA to DNA

Reverse transcriptase

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Explain the advantages of plant growth by tissue c

All genetically identicle

All disease free

Can be genetically modified

Easier - all ready to pick at same time, bulk production

Rapid ripening

Uniform/desired characteristic

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Suggest consequences of widespread cultivation of

All genetically uniform, no variety, narrow gene pool

Decreased chance of mutation

No variation to adventatious characteristics

All susceptible to same disease, all wiped out

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Describe how a prokaryote divides

Binary fission

DNA replicates

Cell wall grows (elongates)

cell splits by cytokinesis

daughter cell is genetically identical to parent cell

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Explain how to change a lab batch fermenter into a

Reservoir for nutrient storage

Steady input of nutrients

steady removal of products and toxins at same rate as input

keep same volume

maintain pH, O2 and temp levels using sensors/probes

Maintain pH: buffers, add acid/alkali from reservoir

Maintain temp: cooling jacket/water bath

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Testing - enzymes and starch

Describe how to test of a product is contaminated with an enzyme

Enzyme is a protein

Burete test

If enzyme present, solution turns lilac

Describe how you would test to see if all starch is turned to sugar

Benedicts/reducing sugars test

Compare colour intesnity

colorimeter/plot graph

Continue until no further colour change/graph levels out

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Explain advantages of using immobilised enzymes in

Porduct is purer, enzymes dont have to be removed

No enzymes lost, easy to reuse

Process is cheaper, no removal of enzymes from product, less processes

Enzyme stable in matrix, can be used at higher temps and more extreme pHs

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This is a good idea :)

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