A set of flashcards made for students studying OCR Biology, related to the exam on Molecules, Biodiversity, Food & Health. May also be applicable to other exam boards?

You can print these off and carry them with you, test each other with your friends, or just have them as notes. They are only brief so won't tell you everything you need for your exam. I have mixed them up so all the different topics are mixed together although if you print them off and cut them out, you can arrange them how you want.

Please let me know if any of the information is wrong!

Hope this helps and good luck with your exams!

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 30-05-10 15:49

Lock and key theory

Active site is specific, substrate complementary to active site.

1 of 51

What is starch made of?

Coiled amylose and branched amylopectin.

2 of 51

Name the 3 parts of a phospholipid.

Two fatty acids, glycerol and a phosphate.

3 of 51

Which elements are found in lipids and carbohydrates?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

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Difference between primary and secondary response?

Primary: Slow immune response waiting for antigen recognition.

Secondary: Rapid response due to memory cells.

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Example of a fibrous protein.


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Name the 2 types of nucleic acids.


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The polysaccharide that gives a positive result for iodine test.


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Induced fit

Substrate causes active site to change, produces better fit.

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What bond is formed when a disaccharide is formed?


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Define CITES

Convention in International Trade in Endangered Species

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Activation Energy

Energy need for a reaction to occur (breaking bonds)

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What is the function of DNA Helicase?

To unzip the double helix (break Hydrogen bonds)

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Name the monomer of nucleic acids.


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Example of a globular protein


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What is a balanced diet?

A diet containing all the essential nutrients in the correct proportions. (Containing carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre).

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How does temperature decrease enzyme activity?

Too much kinetic energy, bonds inside molecules vibrate, bonds are broken, 3D specific shape is lost.

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List 2 functions of lipids

Insulation, energy store, hormones, organ protection, plasma membrane.

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What is the function of DNA polymerase?

Seals the sugar phosphate backbone.

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5 Kingdoms

Prokarote, Protoctist, Fungi, Animal, Plant.

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4 characteristics of enzymes

Proteins, Lower activation energy, Catalyst, Specific

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Two examples of the support function of water

Amniotic fluid, hydrostatic skeleton, buoyancy of blubber and turgor pressure in plants.

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What is the Earth Summit?

Meeting of world leaders that took place in 1992 to discuss sustainable use of world resources.

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What are co-enzymes?

Organic molecules associated with an enzyme.

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B cells are responsible for what type of response?


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Evidence for evolution

Fossils, DNA profiling, Molecular evidence.

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How do DNA bases pair?

Adenine - Thymine, Cytosine - Guanine. (Complementary base pairing).

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Features of the Kingdom Plantae

Photosynthetic, cellulose cell wall, photoautotrophic.

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What is the theory of DNA replication?

Semi-conservative Replication.

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What are plasma cells and memory cells?

Plasma cells: produce antibodies.

Memory cells: immunological memory.

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List 5 properties of water important for living organisms.

Surface tension, polar, high specific heat capacity, cohesion, latent heat of evaporation.

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List other factors that affect enzyme controlled reactions.

Enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, pH and inhibitors.

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List 3 marks for semi-conservative replication.

1. 1 DNA molecule replicates. 2. Into 2 that are identical. 3. Containing 1 old and 1 new strand of each DNA.

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Function of T-cells.

Killer: detect pathogen inside body cells, digest whole cell,

Helper: release cytokines to co-ordinate responses.

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When does DNA replication occur?


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Malaria Vector

Female Anopheles Mosquito

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Trend for glucose concentration and colorimetery

As the concentration of glucose increases the % transmission of light increases.

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Hydrolysis Reaction

When two molecules are formed from a larger one and water is used.

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Function of a colorimeter

Transmission or absorption of light.

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What is Vmax?

Enzyme functioning as fast as possible, substrate becomes the limiting factor.

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How does temperature increase enzyme activity?

More kinetic energy, molecules move faster, more successful collisions, achieve activation energy quicker.

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Define condensation reaction.

When two molecules are bonded together and water is released.

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Protein, complimentary to an antigen.

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What is a purine base?

A and G, double ringed, always pair with a pyrimidine.

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Carrier of a disease.

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What vitamin is deficient if you have night blindness?

Vitamin A

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Complete mental, physical and social well being.

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Define habitat

Where members of one species live.

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Give differences between the structure of DNA and RNA.

RNA: single stranded, uracil base, ribose sugar.

DNA: double stranded, thymine base, deoxyribose sugar.

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If a nucleus contains 30% guanine, what are the % of the other bases?

30% Cytosine, 20% Adenine, 20% Thymine

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4 points of Darwin's Theory

1. Variation within species. 2. Variation is inherited. 3. Organisms overproduce. 4. Population remains stable.

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Kazveen Aamer


WOW! This is really helpful thank you very much! And if you are taking the Unit 2 Biology exam Good Luck! =)

L. Hillier


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