Number Sets and Properties and measurements

unit 1+2 IB


Set langauge

  • N* = counting numbers (1,2,3...)
  • N= natural numbers (0,1,2,3,4)
  • Z= intergers (0 +/-1 +/-2 +/-3)
  • Z+ = positive intergers (1,2,3,4)
  • Z- = negative intergers (-1,-2,-3)
  • Q= rational numbers (can be written as a fraction)
  • R= real numbers (all numbers on a number line)
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intersection and union

  • PC Q + =P is a subet of Q meaning that every element in P is also in Q
  • P U Q= All the elements of P and Q together
  • P ∩ Q= All the elements that are in both P and Q
  • 2 E Q= 2 is an element of the set Q
  • 2 E Q= 2 is not an element of the set Q
  • { } or O= is an empty set containing no elements
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Maths Words

  • Terms- numbers
  • product- result of a multiplacation
  • Factors- Numbers which divide exactly into another number
  • Quotient- The result of a division
  • Divisor- the number by which we divide
  • Dividend- the number being divided
  • Sum= result of an addition
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Primes and Composites

  • Prime= a  natural number greater than 1 which has exactly 2 factors (itself and 1)
  • Composite= a natural number greater than 1 which has more than 2 factors
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B= Brackets

E= E xponents (powers)

D= Division


A= Addition

S= Subtraction

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Error and Percentage Error

  • Error= Estimated value- true value
  • Absolute percentage error= (IerrorI/actual value)x 100% the error is used without the sign
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I reccommend you use the information on the first two cards to read about types of numbers and set notation.  (symbol C has been used for a subset of.. (or is contained in) usually the symbol is drawn as a 'stretched C'.  'Integers' should be spelt without the middle r.  Natural numbers do not include zero.  (whole numbers do include zero)

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