Nucleic Acids


parts of a nucleotide

- Phosphate group

-Pentose sugar (Deoxyribose in DNA, Ribose in RNA)

-Nitrogenous base (Purines & Pyrimidines)

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bond between nucleotides

Phosphodiester bond

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how is ATP used for energy

The bond holding the third phosphate molecule is broken down by a hydrolysis reaction.

This is catalysed by the enzyme ATPase, producing ADP and a free phosphate molecule.

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structure of DNA (6)

- Double stranded polynucleotide

- Strands run antiparallel

- The 2 strands are joined together by Hydrogen bonds between bases

- Bases pair by complementary base pairing

- Purine pairs with Pyrimidine

- The molecule is twisted into a double helix

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features of the genetic code

It is a triplet code where a triplet of bases codes for one amino acid

- Degenerate

- Universal

- Non-overlapping

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the genetic code is degenerate because...

Some amino acids are coded for by more than one triplet of bases.

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the genetic code is non-overlapping because...

Each base is only read once.

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the genetic code is universal because...

The same code is used by all living organisms

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Replication of DNA: steps

1. the 2 original strands are separated by the enzyme DNA Helicase. This breaks the H bonds.

2. Each strand now acts as a template for the formation of a new strand.

3. Free DNA nucleotides join up to exposed bases by complementary base pairing.

4. Replication takes place in a 5' to 3' direction and is catalysed by the enyme DNA Polymerase.

5. The new strand is joined to the old strand (semi-conservative) by DNA Ligase.

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why is DNA replication semi-conservative?

Each new molecule of DNA has one 'new' strand and one 'old' strand.

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Structure of RNA

- Single stranded polynucleotide

- Ribose replace Deoxyribose as the pentose sugar

- Uracil replaces Thymine

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Types of RNA

- mRNA: formed in the nucleus. Single chain involved in protein synthesis.

- tRNA: 3 bases make up the anticodon which determine the amino acid that will attach to the tRNA. Involved in protein synthesis.

- rRNA: made in the nucleolus.

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structure of a nucleotide

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structure of ribose

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structure of deoxyribose

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