Non Verbal Communication Case Studies


Argyle, Alkema and Gilmour -Verbal Communication

Aim: To see if tone of voice effects interpreting a verbal message

Method: Diff groups of particapents listened to either friendly or hostile messages spoken in either friendly or hostile tones.

Results: When particapents asked to interpret messages, tone of voice had 5 times effect of verbal message itself

Conclusion: Tone of voice extremely important on how ppl interpret verbal messages.


- Carried out in artificial conditions 

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Kendon- Eye Movement

Aim: Eye movement affects flow of conversation 

Method: Pairs of particapents asked to get acquainted. Conversations secretly watched.

Results: As one about to speak, they lookd away from other briefly avoiding eye contact. Gave a prolonged look when they about to finish what saying. If prolonged look didn't happen then pause in conversation

Conclusion: Eye movements signal turn taking in conversation

Evaluation: Asking someone to get acquainted and observing them is a very artificial condition

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Argyle- Eye Contact

Aim: If interrupting eye contact affects convo

Method: 1/2 conversations one particapent wore sunglasses so other couldn't receive eye contact

Results: When wearing sunglasses- more interruptions and pauses

Conclusion: Eye contact important in ensuring smooth flow of conversation.

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Hess- Pupil Dilation

Aim: Effect of pupil dilation on emotion

Method: Particapents shown almost identicle picture of a girl and asked which picture more attractive. One pic= pupil dilated Other pic= Not

Results: Most particapents said girl with dilated pupil looked more attractive, couldn't say why

Conclusion: Pupil dilation has powerful effect on emotion


Helps to understand why use of eye makeup is important

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Sakeim- Facial Expression

Aim: Look at relationship between facial expression and hemisphere of brain

Method: People's face showing diff emotions cut down middle, new pics created with each half face and its mirror image. Particapents asked which ones they liked better

Results: Preffered pic of left, said it looked "warmer"

Conclusion: Left side of face shows more emotion than right

Evaluation: Studies that involve still pics= artificial

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McGinley- Postural Echo

Aim: Effect of postural echo when having convo

Method: Confederate of experimenter approached individuals in social setting and had convos with them. 1/2 time echoed posture of person 1/2 time didn't. Experimenter approached individuals and asked what thought about confederate

Results: When used= liked and thought got on well. Not used= Not liked as much convo felt awkward

Conclusion: Postural echo gived unconcious message of friendliness 


Unethical= didn't realise they were being used as particapents

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McGinley, Lefevre and McGinley- Open & Closed Post

Aim: Effect of opene and closed posture when having convo

Method: Confederate had convo in social setting. 1/2 time open 1/2 time had closed. Experimenter approached individuals asked what thought of confederate

Results: Open= Friendly, attractive Closed= Unfriendly, less attractive

Conclusion: Posture someone adopts makes difference to how much liked 


Personality differences between people approached may have had confederate more appealing 

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Lynn and Mynier- Gestures

Aim: Effect of gestures used by waiters and waitresses on tipping behaviour of customers in restaurant 

Method: Waiters and waitresses instructed to stand upright or squat near customer. (Squatting makes more eye contact possible)

Results: Squatted= larger tips concieved 

Conclusion: When squatting down near a seated customer will have effect on tipping behaviour


Other effects on why tip given, eg. size of the bill 

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Fisher, Rytting and Heslin- Touch

Aim: Effect of touch on people's attitudes

Method: Female students handed book my librarian. 1/2 time librarian touched their hand briefly, other 1/2 didn't

Results: Students questioned. Touched= more positive attitude towards librarian. Students were not aware that they were being touched

Conclusion: Touch has an unconcious and positive effect on attitudes.


All students were female, cannont be generalised to males

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Argyle and Dean- Sex differences (Personal Space)

Aim: Sex differences affect personal space

Method: Particapents asked to sit and have convo with another person who was confederate. Sometimes condeferate was opposite sex or same sex. Sat at different distances from particapent and continiually looked into other person's eye

Results: Opposite sex=  Broke eye contact at greater distance than when the same sex. Argyle and Dean thought this was the point where personal space was being invaded

Conclusion: Prefer to have greater amount of personal space between ourselves and oppiste sex when having convo

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Willis- Age (Personal Space)

Aim: If age has effect on personal space

Method: Willis obseved almost 800 individuals in different social situations

Results: Tend to stand closer to people their own age. Stand further away from people much older or younger 

Conclusion: Age difference affects how close people will stand to one another

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Williams- Personality (Personal Space)

Aim: If personality has effect on personal space

Method: College students given personality test to see if extrovert or introvert. Then sent to an offic one by one to receive college grads from tutor. Researchers noted where chose to sit in office.

Results: Introverts sat further away from tutors than extroverts

Conclusion: Whether someone is introvert or extrovert will affect their use of personal space

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Sommer- Cultural Differences (Personal Space)

Aim: If cultural differences in use of personal space

Method: Observed group of white Ebglish people and Arab people in convo

Results: English comfortable distances- 1-1.5m. Arab comfortable distances much less than that

Conclusion: Use of personal space in normal convo varies with culture

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Zahn- Status (Personal Space)

Aim: See if status has effect on personal space

Method: Observed people of equal status approaching eachother to have convo. Then observed people of unequal status approaching

Results: People of lower status didn't approach people of higher status with same degree of closeness as those of equal status

Conclusion: Use of personal space varies with differences in status when approaching other people

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