

Daily Mirror - Research

  • Owned by Reach PLC
  • Reach also produce- Suday Mirror, The people, Daily Report and all regional papers eg Leicester Murcry 
  • Cross Media platform- Reach united to create the 'Ozone project'
  • The Daily Mirror has a website, and an app "Mirror Online"
  • Horzonial intergated, elememts of Vertical 
  • Centre Left poltical stance (Labour)
  • readership figures 58700
  • Target Demographic - Female, 18-40, low income, lower intellect (easy read), mass mainstream audience. 
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The Times- Research

  • Owned by News Corp as a subsidary 
  • News Corp also own- The Sun, News of the World* (phone hacking), The London Paper, The Suday Times
  • The Times uses Synergy to adverise Sky
  • The Times was the first to have an online website, need subsciption, paywall
  • Vertical intergation 
  • Centre right poltical stance 
  • Readership 435000
  • Target demographic- 35+, avegage salary £45,000, educated degree/higher, male, social grading ABc1, affluent 

High readership encouages advertisment to generate revenue, to be profitable 

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Advert Findings- Mirror (Online+print)

  • More advets in print vs online
  • Adverts in print take up large about of space and nearly on every page, highlights the importance to the industry
  • Adverts are dependent on the simalar target audinece of the paper
  • Adverts online are subtle, imbeded in articles. Cheaper to run online
  • Mirror online- Fitbit , younger target demographic , Mirror Print- Acon stair lift 
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Advert Findings- The Times

  • The Times has reduced adverts online , this could be beacuse customers pay for an online eddition, therefore less revenue is needed
  • Synergy adverts- Sky 
  • Adverts in print for expensive brands- Harrods
  • Lack of adverts for discounts/offers, Mainly advets for premium range eg Tesco "Finest Drinks", rather then cheaper spritis like in The Daily Mirror
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Technological Convergence

Technological Convergence- using technology to murge different meida platforms across industies together.

Why would newspapers uses technological convergence-

  • Print is in delcine, need to transition online to keep up with the new digital age , transformation needed for success, ever evolving 
  • Reduces risk of loesing loyal readers

Example- January 2019

The Sun reported significant job loss due to reduce readership and profit

Social media used in The Mirror and The Times (cultivation theroy)

IMMMEDIETE- READERS CAN SEE BREAKING NEWS eg Brexit updates, allows readers to share latest news stories

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Technological Convergence Examples

The Times- p2 

Social media links to a food recipe 

Citizen Journalism 

- everyone can now share story

- different versions of news 

- increase fake news

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News Values

  • THRESHOLD- The bigger the story the more likely it is to get on the news agenda
  • NEGATIVITY- Bad news is more exciting than good news
  • UNEXPECEDNESS- An event that is a shock or out of the ordinary,eg London Terror Attack in 2017. An event like this will push other news stories off the agenda and may make the frony page at the last minute
  • UNAMBIGOUS- Events that are easy to report and are not complex will be higher up the agenda 
  • PERSONALISTAION- News stories with human intrests are more likely to appeal to to the reader
  • PROXIMITY-  The closer to home the story is more likely the reader will be intrested. 
  • ELITE PEOPLE- Stories about important people and powerful nations
  • CONTINUITY-  Stories that have already in the news and are updated eg Brexit
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News Values- The Mirror Examples

Headline"Left to Rot"

1) Negativity - "Fizzy Drink Addiction" Insitutionally gains a high readership from middle age women (target demographc) who don't want the same for their children 

2) Unabmoguity- "Left to Rot" the headline is only 3 words and image explicity shows what the artical is about 

3) Continituiy- In line with the Sugar Tax , pressure on NHS with chilhood obeasity

4) Personalation- Human Intrest, working class families affected 

5) Threshold- affects all children "gobal threshold"

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News Values- The Times Example

1) Elite people- The police are considered important with the target audience and poltical affiliation 

2) Negativity- Knife Crime and gangs 

3) Contintuity- On going issue in the UK

4) Proximity- The story is about London gangs and accroding to UGOV target reader is mainly based in London + the South

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Industry- Livingstone and Lunt

  • How new tech is making regulation difficult
  • Current regulaton cannot keep up
  • The strugle between protecting audience vs appeal 
  • Difficult to regulate the media due to online souces 
  • Impossible to control the internet 

(The Mirror) Page 4 - Protecting the reader from harmful content 

Graphic image blurred so the reader cannot see blood and bad laguage is starred

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Industry- Curran and Seaton

  • If we have a variety of media companies we would have more of a variety in media text
  • The media is controlled and dominated by a few multi media conglomerates 
  • Media companies main focus is profit and power

The Times- lacks creativity and variety as it is owned by News Corp so simailar ideologies are passed on 

The Mirror- Has more variety however Reach Plc shif to owning regonal newspapers limits the variety 

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Industry- David Hesmondalgh

  • Minimise Risk and Maximise Profit 
  • Same formualic 
  • Audience not exposed to anything new
  • Tried and tested methods

The Mirror- Trending headlines im a celeb to apeal to audience "gossip"

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Audience Theroy

Uses and grats 

social - "im a celeb" DM

Harry and Sandra - personal idenity DM

HIV postive - personal idenity  DM

Genfell - Personal idenity TT


Repetition of poltical ideas DM and TT

Stuart Hall 

"we dont belive in the eu"- negoatiated 

"risky game" - oppostional 

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Phone Hacking- News of the World

The News International phone-hacking scandal was a controversy involving News International. Owned by Murdock. Phone hacking was a technique used to listen to people's mobile voicemail. Reporters and a private investigator working for the News of the World used it to target people in the news - celebrities, politicians and crime victims - so they could find angles on stories that would get them ahead of the competition.  The paper as a consequence was closed down.  HOWEVER, arguably the impact of this was limited as News International produced the Sun on Sunday which replaced News International as a Sunday paper. Many people argue that Murdock punishment was unaffected as his power in the industry allowed him to “get away with it”

 In the Uk Newspapers are aloud to have a clear political stance, this means they can be selective in which stories which they publish this is called Gate-Keeping. UK news on television has to be central and can’t be bias.

IPSO- regualates the newspaper industy 

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In control of which articles & photos are published & its layout

○Editor: John Witherow

○Managing Editor: Craig Tregurtha

○Deputy Editor: Emma Tucker

○Chief Investigative Reporter: Andrew Norfolk
>In charge of investigating topics of public
interest (ie: Rotherham grooming)

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Uses and Grats- The Times

○Social Interaction: Recipe w/ social media handles @ bottom - encourages conversation

○Surveillance →News about Brexit/Russia/Jamal Khashoggi murder
→Stocks prices (useful for business people)
→Racing stats (A/B social class)

○Escapism: Puzzles/entertainment supplement
→More "sophisticated" art (fits w/ upper-class image)

○Personal Identity: OAP murdered by refugee
→White, middle-ages Conservative supporters identify w/ this
>-ve portrayal of refugees

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AUDIENCE THEORIES: Uses + Grats Online The Times

Social Interaction: "Teenage mob attacks police" video
>enables conversation/sharing

○Escapism: "Top 7 films to watch on the train" (18-40 readers)/puzzles (60+ readers)

○Surveillance: Politics/current affairs (Khashoggi/G20/Brexit)

○Personal Identity: "Police to be armed in crackdown on gangs"
>London readers- proximity
>Conservative voters- reinstills faith in gov.

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AUDIENCE THEORIES: Cultivation Print The Times

○Repetition of ads for high-end brands

○Repetition of political views
>May/Corbyn comic photo
>Comment- "Labour remainers are playing a risky game" (p.25)

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AUDIENCE THEORIES: Cultivation Online The Times

○Pro-police news
>"Armed in crackdown"- shows they're prepared
>"Teenage mob attacks police"- creates sympathy for police

○Adverts for membership/brand partner
>Synergy marketing

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Reception Theroy Print The Times

◘"Labour Remainers are playing a risky game"

○Dominant- Conflict within Labour; damages their image ("they cannot all be right")

○Negotiated- Labour supporters may not agree w/ Corbyn

○Oppositional- Labour supporters would stick to their political beliefs

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The Daily Mirror TARGET DEMOGRAPHICS: Psychographi

○Security & Stability Seekers: Supermarkets
○Pleasure Seekers: Alcohol/concerts & musical/lottery
○Belonger: Food for the family (stocking up for Xmas)
○Strugglers: Alcohol/junk food (suggests escapism)

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AUDIENCE THEORIES: Cultivation (print) The Daily M

○Junk-food/alcohol ads: Encourages audience to buy them

○Repetition of political views: "Dodgy hand-shake"/"we don't believe EU"

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The Daily Mirror Cultivation (online)

○Reality show gossip (X Factor/I'm A Celeb)
>Encourages them to watch shows to catch up

○Repetition of political views
>"MPs launch bit to block no-deal Brexit"
>"UK could cancel Brexit if May's deal fails"

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