Nevado del Ruiz and Mount Etna


Nevado del Ruiz- Colombia LEDC 13th November 1985

  • Strato volcano in Andes Mountain Range- highest volcano in colombia 
  • formed at subduction zone of Nazca oceanic plate descending beneath South America plate 


  • Eruption on the 13th November 1985 after a year of explosions of steam and minor earthquakes
  • 3.06PM- Pumice fragments and ash were thrown from the sides of vents- showered down on town of Amero 
  • 7.00PM- Red Cross called for evacuation but shortly after ash stopped falling so it was called off
  • 9.08PM- eruption began- lava erupted and it was accompanied by heavy rainfall- 20 million cubic metres  of hot ash and rocks travelled across the glacier forming pyroclastic flow and Lahar. It travelled at 50km/h
  • 11.28 pm- Lahars reached Amero and after a few short minutes most of the town was swept away or buried
  • One Lahar continued flowing down the river reaching ChinChina and killing 1927 people. 
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Nevado del Ruiz- Colombia LEDC 13th November 1985


  • Hot clouds of ash and gas released
  • Magma thrown into air- lava 
  • avalanches of pyroclastic flow 
  • 5000 homes destroyed
  • 23,000 people killed
  • 5000 people injured
  • Mud rose up to 40m deep and was deposited in the valleys in the path of Lahars adding to it


  • Temperature of the Lahar's served as a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi- people died of infection 
  • 10,000 people were left homeless
  • Roads/transport links were blocked- difficult for resuce workers to reach survivors
  • Land was made more fertile by the mud flow
  • Cost $7.7billion- 20% of country's GDP at the time 
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Mount Etna- Italy MEDC November 2002

  • Strato volcano formed as a result of repeated volcanic eruptions that have built up layers of ash and lava to create a cone 
  • In Sicily- form of income is to ski on slopes of volcano 


  • Erupted after a series of earthquakes measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale
  • Several explosions blackened the sky
  • Gas and ash was forced from 2 vents 
  • Followed by magma which was thrown 100m into the sky
  • lava began to flow down the side of the mountain- forming 2 seperate flows 


  • 100 homes damaged and holiday homes were overtaken by officials to house the homeless
  • residental areas eg Linguaglossa were evacuated- 1000 people evacuated altogether
  • schools shut down 
  • airport in Catania closed for 4 days due to ash 
  • Skiing season was about to start but restaurant and 3 ski lifts damaged 
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Mount Etna- Italy MEDC November 2002


  • declared state of emergency 
  • rescue workers battled to divert the lava away from the scientific research centre at the foot of the volcano 
  • army bulldozers cracked tarmac and built barriers in a car park near centre of town 
  • it was an attempt to create a channel to divert lava away from populated areas- Linguaglossa
  • Ship equipped with medical supplies was positioned off Catania to help 
  • Tax breaks and financial aid was given to affected businesses- overall £5.6million 
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