Nervous system

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 01-05-17 21:20

Systems. behaviour, definitions

3 systems interact to produce responses:

  • 1. Immune system - Protects body from infection, fights viruses, bacteria and foreign
  • 2. Endocrine system - Maintains internal state, controls growth, development/reproduction
  • 3. Nervous system - Controls activity coordinating rapid responses, biological basis of cognition

How is behaviour generated? a. Info from environment registered.  b. Info processed   c. Appropriate response generated

Behaviour = Internally coordinated responses of organisms to internal/external environment. Plants have no NS, sponges are only multicellular animal without one. Simplest NS = uncentralised e.g. sea star, hydra. Centralised NS = leech, insects, flatworm.

  • Psychobiology = Relationship between behavour + biological processes
  • Pragmatic = Experimental study of human behaviour
  • Dualism = Mind and matter are separate
  • Nervous system = Electrochemically active cells, specialised to communicate
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NS, functions, neurons

  • Centralised NS -> Cell bodies cluster together in head area. Peripheral -> Not clustered
  • Neurons have... a. Cell body   b. Dendrites   c. Axon   d. Axon terminals
  • Vertebrates NS: Are more complex, central & peripheral are more separated, hierarchy

Functions of NS: 1. Control/coordinate behaviour.  2. React quickly.  3. Muscle spindles activate sensory neuron when muscles stretch  4. Axons enter spinal cord via dorsal root - connect motor   5. Motor axons send axons via ventral root, contracts  6. Resist/dampen stretching of skeletal

Signal = Any change in cell

Peripheral NS - split into somatic and autonomic. Autonomic = no external input. Output = involuntary control (muscles, glands) Somatic - input = sense organs. Output = Voluntary control (skeletal) Automatic = sympathetic or parasympathetic

  • Learning = modifying links between inputs & responses - plants can't do this as have no NS
  • Knee-jerk - monosynaptic -> walking smooth. - Polysynaptic = withdrawal
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Brain absence, polysynaptoc reflex arc

Without a brain: Monosynaptic reflex arc. Detection, interpretation and motor command-2 neurons

Polysynpatic relfex arc: Sensory/motor neurons connected via interneurons. Sensor & effector in different locations. Spinal cord generates complex movement patterns, but these are involuntary as responses to appropriate stimulation

  • Spinal cord = densely packed neurons
  • Grey matter = Cell bodies densely packed, protective
  • Complex movement patterns produced in spinal cord alone
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