

From states to nations


Charles Tilly: 10

'An organization which controls the population occupying a definite territory is a state in so far as; (1) it is differentiated from other organizations operating in the same territory; (2) it is autonomous; (3) it is centralized and (4) its divisions are formally coordinated with one another.'

Max Weber:9

 'A compulsory political organization with continuous operations will be called a state in so far as its administrative staff successfully uphold the claim to the monopoly of the legitimate use of force in the enforcement of its order'

Nation STATE

 A nation state is a modern invention

   Max Weber: ‘Political community unified by a myth of common descent. Commitment to a cultural mission and political project.’

 Living in a world of states, a few of them are true nation states, while others are successful states which, in some cases, are multinational or based on a dominant nation, but are questioned (to a greater or lesser extent) by other nationalisms

Civic Nationalism- Civic nationalism is the form of nationalism where the state derives political legitimacy from the active participation of its citizenry (see popular sovereignty), to the degree that it represents the "general will".

 Ethnic Nationalism-The central theme of ethnic nationalists is that "nations are defined by a shared heritage, which usually includes a common language, a common faith, and acommon ethnic ancestry".--however it is different from purely cultural definitions of "the nation" (which allow people to become members of a nation by cultural assimilation) and a purely linguistic definitions (which see "the nation" as all speakers of a specific language).

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