Muslim beliefs


The six beliefs of Shi'a Islam

Tawhid- belief in the oneness of Allah

'He is god the one'

Akhirah- teachings of life after death

Belief in al-quadr- the belief that allah knows and plans everything

Nubuwwah- following the prophets of Allah

Authority of the kutub- following the holy books

Malaikah- The belief in angels


-to unite all sunni muslims

-to show them what beliefs they should have

-to help them understand their religion better

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The 5 roots of Shi'a Islam

Tawhid- the oneness of Allah

Adl- divine justice, to believe that allah is fair and just

Nubuwwah- prophethood

Imamah- The idea that Allah appointed successors to guide humanity

Mi'ad- the day of judgement and the ressurection

' he is Allah, one'

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The nature of Allah

The eight characteristics of Allah-

Tawhid- ' worship Allah and avoid taghut', the idea that Muslims only accept one god.

Immanence- The idea that Allah is close to and involved within the world.

Transcendence- The idea that Allah is above and beyond human understanding.

Omnipotence- The idea that he is all powerful

Beneficience- The idea that he is all loving

Mercy- The idea that Allah forgives people ' the lord of mercy'

Fairness and justice- The idea that he is fair and just

Adalat- Allah is just ( only in shi'a islam)

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Risalah is the word for the prophethoods or messengers of Allah.

Adam- the first prophet, his task was to look after Allah's creation

Ibrahim- (had his faith tested by Allah)

Isma'il- The son of ibrahim and associated with the construction of the Ka'bah


Dawud- he is seen as the lawgiver, he defeated Goliath

Isa- Jesus, he recieved the Injil and was a messenger of Allah.

Muhammad- He was the last prophet, he brought the final and perfect message in the form of the Qur'an.

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Muslim Holy books

The Qur'an 

Revealed by Muhammad                                         the word Qur'an means recitation

Muslims believe it came from Allah                          Muslims use it to pray and guid them

                                      ' it is not but a revelation revealed'


Tawrat- was given by Allah to Musa, it measn 'instruction'

Sahifah- Revealed to Ibrahim but lost 

Injil- The gospel of Isa, Revealed by Muhammad.

Zabur- The holy book of Dawud

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Job- revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad and taught Muhammad how to pray

Importance- without Jibril the message of the Qur'an would not have been received.

Quote- ' then we sent our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects'


Job- The angel of death, returns human souls to Allah

Importance- Helps muslims understand that they need to live their lives as Allah wanted them.

Quote- 'the angel of death will take you....then to your lord you will be returned'


Job- the angel of mercy, rewarding those who have lived good lives

Importance- Muslims want to be rewarded with the afterlife and Mika'il reassured them that this is possible.

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Al- Quadr

Al-quadr means predestination and is the concept of fate or destiny.

Importance- Muslims will want to live good ideas to reach the afterlife

- they will constantly be aware of their thoughts, beliefs and actions

- they will help others as this is what Qur'an and Muhammad teach them.

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Akhirah- life after death


After death the angel of death will take you to Barzakh-  Allah will then judge you on how you have lived your life- on the day of judgement your body will be resurrected- 2 angels will open a book of your lifetime- if their name is on the right they go to paradise.

' and fear the fire which has been prepared for the disbelievers' 

how it affects muslims-

-make them more aware of their actions

- makes them realise the importance of asking for forgiveness

-they try to live their lives as good muslims

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