Music Revision 2015

  • Created by: eatkinson
  • Created on: 19-05-15 13:07


Jazz Intruments - trumpet, trombone, clarinet, piano, saxophone, drumkit, double bass

Jazz terms - improvisation, syncopation, walking bass

Jazz styles

  • Boogie-woogie - piano, fairly fast, walking bass, 12 bar blues chords
  • Ragtime - piano, 4/4 time syncopated right hand, left hand plays oom cha rhythm
  • Swing band - larger group of instruments
  • Dixieland - small group of about six intruments, clarinet, trumpet, double bass, piano.

Irregular time signatures - 5/4 = 5 crotchets in a bar 7/8 - 7 quavers in a bar

Unsquare dance - Dave Brubeck

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Brit Pop

Bands - Oasis, Blur

Influenced by the Beatles etc from the 50's and 60's. Britpop popular in the 80's

English accents, acoustic guitars, songs about everyday life, simple chord progressions, use of chords I, IV and V

Musical terms - Hook- catchy little tune, often repeated, thats memorable

Riff - ostinato, repeated melody or phrase

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Elements of music

Timbre - sounds of the intruments

Texture - number of parts playing together

Dynamics - louds and softs

Pitch - how high or low the notes are

Rhythm - how different length notes are put together

Tempo - speed

Structure - how the piece is put together

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Crotchet = 1

Quaver = 1/2

minim = 2

semibreve = 4

semiquave = 1/4


A B C D E F G - 8 notes = octive

FACE in the SPACE = 

Notes on the line = Every Good Boy Deserves Football

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Maths - Level 5


Mean = all the numbers added up and divided by the amount of numbers there are

Median = the middle number when you put them in order from smallest to largest

Mode = the most common number

Range = largest number - smallest number

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Maths - Level 5


Mean = all the numbers added up and divided by the amount of numbers there are

Median = the middle number when you put them in order from smallest to largest

Mode = the most common number

Range = largest number - smallest number

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Causes of World War 1

Militarism - The belief that the nation needs a large military force

Alliances - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the Triple alliances. They all signed a document that promised they would give each other military support in case of a war - but they didnt

Imperialism - This was the formation of an empire. The creation of an unequal economic, cultrual and territorial relationship usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on donomination and subordination

Nationalism - This is the build up in military force in the years prior to assassination. Being in the army was considered an extremeley honorary proffesion. Nationalist feelings ran deep as every man wanted to protect their country

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Causes of World War 2

Hitlers aims and actions

1. Destroy the Treaty of Versailles -  Forced to pay 6.6 billion pounds for repaires after WW1. Germany were not invited to the meeting involving all other countries. Made up rules and all country agreed but Germany disagreed about one.

2. Create a Greater Germany - Wanted to be bigger so they didnt have to abide by all the rules and also to have a bigger empire.

3. Lebensrauam - to conquer land in Germany for Eastern Europe


During the 1930s, Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement - they gave Hitler what he wanted in order to keep the peace. So why did Britain and France keep on giving in to Hitler's demands?

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Life in Nazi Germany

Life for women

Women were expected to stay at home and look after their families. They were also forced to give up their careers and serve in the armed forces to help the war. Keeping their homes nice were very important - especially for their husbands. The three C's were the main things in womens life during this time : Church, Children, Cooking

Life for Children

Boys were raised as political soldiers. girls taught how to be wives and mothers - breeding next generation. Girls were encouraged not to have ambitions beyond home. The girls league taught cooking, cleaning and childcare

Work in Germany

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