Mount Unzen - Case Study

  • Created by: Megan
  • Created on: 25-02-14 15:21

Location and Background

Location: Southern Japan, just outside of Nagasaki, on the Eurasian-Philippine plate boundary but the pacific plate boundary is also involved, putting addiitional pressure on the margin

Type of Margin - Destructive  (the Philippine plate is subducted under the Eurasian)

Type of Volcano - Complex Composite - 5 volcanoes overlap making eruptions more complicated

Main Hazards: Lava, Pyroclastic flow, Lahars, Mudslides, Ash Cloud

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Location and Background

Location: Southern Japan, just outside of Nagasaki, on the Eurasian-Philippine plate boundary but the pacific plate boundary is also involved, putting addiitional pressure on the margin

Type of Margin - Destructive  (the Philippine plate is subducted under the Eurasian)

Type of Volcano - Complex Composite - 5 volcanoes overlap making eruptions more complicated

Main Hazards: Lava, Pyroclastic flow, Lahars, Mudslides, Ash Cloud

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  • 44 people were killed and 10 injured
  • over 2500 buildings were damaged - 2000 of which were homes
  • US$2.1billion in damages
  • Local rivers were choked by mud and ash as well as volcanic debris due to the length of the eruption
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Monitoring and Precautions

  • Seismic and volcanic monitoring due to the volcanic history of the country
  • Phreatic (where magma heats the ground and surface water temperature increases) Conditions led to the evacuation of 12,000
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  • Continued evacuation
  • monitoring for lahars and pyroclsatic flows
  • Media warnings when lahars were likely to occur
  • enforced a risk zone preventing snd prohibitng activities in proximity to the volcanoes
  • dikes were constructed to channel mud and pyroclastic flows
  • National task force set up to deal with the incident
  • Unzen Scientific Drilling Project drilled into volcano to discover why the volcano erupted for so long
  • unmanned machinery used to clear the debris
  • reforestation projects set up in the area
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New Strategy

The Unzen Scietific Drilling Project to research why the volcano erupted for so long and to learn way of predicting similar future events

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