Mitosis and Chromosomes

  • Created by: BowmanM4
  • Created on: 21-01-18 12:43


Mitosis is a process where a 'Parent' Cell divides into two identical 'Daughter' Cells, which then divides in two and the process repeats.

Mitosis is also the way old and damaged cells are replaced.

Each cell that is reproduced through Mitosis contains 46 Chromosomes (

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A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein found in living cells. It's a coiled DNA. Each part of a Chromosome is called a Gene, these hold different pieces of information for each part of the body, how it looks, works and is controlled.

Chromosomes come in pairs, 23 pairs to be precise, and they are found in the nuclei of most cells.

Chromosomes consist of several thousands of genes. They are units of inheritance, and are used for every aspect of your body. Some genes are inherited off your mother through the egg cell, and some from you father in the sperm cell. These fuse and create a mixture which is why you look like your mother and father

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