Menstrual Cycle

  • Created by: jai-li
  • Created on: 24-09-20 17:29

Menstrual Cycle

  • Lasts 28 days
  • Puberty to menopause
  • Ages 12 to early 50s
  • Prepares women for pregnancy
  • Symptoms due to hormonal changes: mood swings, stomach cramps, tiredness, breast tenderness 
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Hormones in Mentrual Cycle

  • Oestrogen and progesterone are the hormones responsible - released by ovaries 
  • Increase in oestrogen causes thickening of the uterus and triggers ovulation
  • Progesterone increase maintains uterus lining 
  • Oestrogen and progesterone levels decreasing causes the break down of uterus wall - menstruation 
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Journey of Fertilisation

1.Sperm enters vagina 

2. Cervix 

3. Uterus 

4. Oxidants 

5. Meets egg --> fertilisation 

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  • Prevents fertilisation

Physical barriers:

  • Condom (98%) - barrier between fluids
  • Diaphragm/Cap (92-96%) - barrier between fluids 

Chemical barrier:

  • Hormone pill/Implant (99%) - releases hormones that stops ovulation 
  • Combined pill increases oestrogen and progesterone - inhibits FSH to mature egg and inhibits LH to release egg

Hormonal Contraception:

  • Progesterone like hormons on its self or with oestrogen
  • Raises homone levels, prevents natural fall of homone concentrations at end of menstrual cycle
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  • Days 1-5: egg and linning lost, bleeding, menstruation 
  • Days 6-12: cell walk starts to thicken, egg develops 
  • Days 13-15: ovulation, egg is released
  • Days 16-28: lining is still thickening, egg travels along oviduct, hopes to meet sperms and fertilise  

Unfertilised egg doesn't implant and reaches uterus the cycle begins again

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Egg Release

  • FSH + LH released from pituitary gland 
  • Due to concentration of oestrogen + progesterone 
  • Oestrogen increases the follicle matures 
  • Follicle= cells in ovary around egg 
  • Follicle becomes corpus luteum 
  • Corpus Luteum= structure from where egg was released, releases progesterone 
  • Progesterone released after ovulation 
  • Corpus luteum must become inactive or menstruation will occur 
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During the Menstrual Cycle

1. Low level of progesterone at start of cycle; allows menstruation 

2. FSH released from pituitary gland 

3. FSH stimulates growth of egg 

4. Maturing follicle stimulates oestrogen; causes uterus wall thickening 

5. High oestrogen concentration stimulates release of LH from pituitary glad 

6. High LH= Ovulation (egg release) 

7.Corpus luteum forms

8. Increase in progesterone; causes uterus lining to thicken 

9. Increase in progesterone inhibits release of FSH + LH 

10. End of menstruation,falling of progesterone+oestrogen triggers mentruation- cycle begins again  

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Aiding Fertilisation


  • 'Assisted Reproductive Technique' 
  • Increases chances of getting pregnant
  • Helps people who cant conceive 

Clomifene Theory:

  • Women who rarely release an egg 
  • Drug that increase FSH + LH 


  • 'In Vitro Fertilisation' 
  • Helps overcome blocked oviducts
  • Low sperm counts 
  • Cells tested for genetic disorders + other problems
  • Healthy egg+sperm removed from donors 
  • Fertilised in lab
  • Placed back into womens uterus 
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