

Multi store Model

                         Sensory memory       short term memory      long term memory

Duration           0.25 to 1 second        upto 30 seconds         forever

Capacity          very limited                 7 +/- 2 items               unlimited

Encoding                                            accousitcally               semantically

Sesnory short term memory focuses on the information and then the stm which is the work place filters the required information. The rehearsal/practice is provided onto the information and it's transfered to the long term memory.

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Working Memory Model

This is the model that suggests there are different parts of the brain that work differently in order to focus on specific information. Over-all the information will be transfered into the long term memory.

First it starts at the central executive......the most important area because it controls the system and what information goes into the system.

Second is the episodic Buffer.....this is the part of the brain that combines the present information with information and experience which is already stored in the long term memory.

Thirdly is the visual sketchpad.....this is like the inner eye, where spatial and visual information is taken in such as places that we may reconise when we visit them.

Lastely is the Phonological Loop.... this is like your inner ear and inner voice. where the inforamtion is taken in by encoding.  Then all the information is trasnfered into the long term memory. 

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Evaluation of the MSM

In support:

  • The Primary recency effect, this is where people can remeber the first and last words of a list. Indicating that the first words have been rehearsed and tranferred into the LTM. Where the Stm remebers the last words.
  • Clive Wearing study. He had a condition that caused him brain damage. But afterwards he could still remeber to play the piano. INdicating long term memory is still there and can remeber skills. But he cant lay down new memories. Supporting that information has to be rehearsed to be remebered.


  • Reductionism, the model has over simplified the memory and how the brain processes information. From brain damage patients, it as shown there are more than one part of the brain that works on specific information.
  • There are certain things in life that we dont rehearse but still remeber like smells and certain destinations. Showing that not all information has to be rehearsed to be transferred into the long term memory.
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Evaluation of the WMM

In support:

  • The KF study shows that the brain is sperated into different parts that processes different information. The patients problem was with recalling words straight away but he could remeber visual information. So he had a problem with his Phonological loop.
  • This model is more realistic with more detial about how the brian processes information.


  • The main area the central executive is quite vague and simple. Not much research has be done into this area so it isn't very detialed or reliable.
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